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The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production)

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The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production) - Page 22 Empty Re: The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production)

Post by OpenTheDoor Fri Jan 04, 2013 7:50 pm

Haven't done them yet, still on Xmas break Razz But things are going alright, I guess. Thanks for asking and for the luck. I really need it -.- How's things for you?

Jeffrey, who had been awkwardly hanging around outside the entity of her changing due to the tutting and telling off that he was given by the maid before he even had a chance to speak, turned his head as Miss Molly emerged from the room, looking rather transformed from the past image that she was. Her hair was less tangled and she looked a lot less pale, and those clothes didn't seem to have a tear or stain in sight. 
"Yes, Miss," he nodded.
And he didn't have to lie about it that time. Yes, before he may have been stretching the truth and it certainly was a relief to say that she wasn't overdoing it either. He had seen it before when people -- women especially -- put too much of an effort in and ended up looking like a clown. There was definitely an art to getting it right.
So as the guards walked over to escort the two visitors to the king's throne, the butler's eyes dares to flicker over to the other side of the hallway, swearing that he had heard something similar to his name... His real name, not the one which he was given. But as the guards began to walk away and they were expected to follow, the elf was forced to abandon his worry and let himself be led right at the back, all the way up to the old oak grand doors of the throne room. And nailed to the doors, similar to the ones in the shoppe, a huge pair of knockers stood proud.
"The king is just beyond these doors."
Sir William appeared from the side, walking up to Molly to her side. He bowed his head slightly before turning to the guards who were protecting the door and gave a small nod.
And with that, the two protecting the door stepped away, raising a hand towards the handles on the front of it. If by magic, they slowly began to open...

Robin: I couldn't eat right away. I just sat there, fork in hand, pretending that I was just cutting it up and portioning the first mouthful so that the right amount of meat, pasta and cheese were upon it. Needless to say, I was a little nervous. Johnny was the chef one with his fancy finger sandwiches and sugarless cake, and all I had was an authentic Italian recipe from Mom's friend.
He was just saying that, that he liked it. He must have been. And as I took a mouthful for myself I was still convinced that he was lying. They must have never served up pasta to them in the 'monk' place...and he never did try my mom's, did he? 
That would explain it.
But he still must have been feeling a bit bad because of the sickness thing...
"Really?... And of you're not hungry then you don't have to eat it," I murmured, lightly nudging my knee into him, "Its not like I'll be offended or anything."
I gave a small laugh as I put another bit of the food in my mouth, glad that I did indeed do that. Yeah, it was hard work but it was worth it...despite all of those bitches' comments again...
No, I didn't need to think about it. It was Johnny and mine's first time together since ages so...
"But how are you? I felt like we haven't spoken in a while... I kind of missed you."
And already I was getting all soppy. Typical.

Olly: "Four across. A type of bird. Anagrams of NAVER..."
It had probably been about four days since the whole incident, and I was no more accustomed to the new look as I was the moment I realised that I was no longer in my body. Even my handwriting was strange. I was using the other hand. It was legible to say the least.
But even so, I still had to hold up the cover of shopkeeper boy for Molly until she got back. I had to sit there, waiting for the occasional customer and find new ways of entertaining myself. She didn't have a TV, just musky old books. Sure, I had read up on a few but there was only so much reading of ancient texts which I could handle without getting confused about certain aspects of the entire history of magic. There were the odd customers, however. Mostly people who I would never thought of as magical: the Petersons from down the road; Maggie Tanner who works in the bar on Saturdays and, most scarily, my old algebra teacher asked for griffin feathers. Who knew, eh?
And so as I peered up to the clock and sighed, realising that another hour alone had passed, I shut the puzzle book and frowned. I was hungry. I needed food. Normal food. Not magical food. Seriously, the cupboards were filled up all sorts of weird things from newt cookies to fly flu sauce. It wasn't very appetising...
But I still had another two hours of business before I could close the shop up and go to a restaurant...


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The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production) - Page 22 Empty Re: The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production)

Post by bookcrazI Fri Jan 04, 2013 11:34 pm

One, it is Raven. Two, I just got my L so I am rather happy. Three I am a bit sad that school is starting. Three I wish you more luck, you can never have enough. Four, no problem.

As the doors opened I sucked in and plastered a smile on my face, a bit scared really. With them open the throne room, more like a hall or a giant ass auditorium, was thrown into view.
It was beautiful to say the least, huge stain glass windows that were covered in flowery designs and dragons and knights and castle stuff. Long velvety curtains hung by solemnly, cradling the windows and making the vibrantly colored glass sparkle all the more. The lavish curtains cascaded to the tiled ground, each colored marble tiles shining more than a mirror. The room itself was round, a dome ceiling with intricate wooden carvings decorating it, and at the very peak of the circle, across from the doors, was the thrones. The thrones were works of art in themselves, not even counting all the portraits of what I could only assume were past kings and queens that circled the room. Carved intricately, I was sensing a theme here, and upholstered with velvet and silk. Really, the room was pretty much the generic throne room that you think of;extensive, expensive, lavish, luxurious, majestic, and royal. Upon the forward-most throne sat a rather young, and handsome, man who I guessed was the king. The crown was a rather large hint though.
His eyes were a pleasing brown color and his hair was interesting shade of light brown, streaks of blonde running through it in a way that I thought only hairdressers could accomplish. He sat upright in his black suit and I had to admit he looked fine, but really, any man in a suit looked simply delicious to me.
I took a few steps forward, my mouth cramping from the smile, and I glanced around, rather unsure of what to do. I gave a little curtsy to everyone in the room.
When sir William said that the king was beyond these doors he meant the king and his four hundred best friends.
Nobles, or what I assumed were nobles, and various magical creatures sat in chairs that were positioned around a long deep blue carpet that let to the steps up to the throne platform. The perfume wafting off of the crowd was rather overwhelming, the mixture of jasmine, vanilla, lavender, and everything else was enough to cause a baby elephant to pass out. I held my breath as silence sung out through the throne room.
The king offered a dignified nod in my direction which I took as a good thing.
"Greetings your majesty." I said, glancing back at the knights and mainly at Jefferey for support.

I smiled at her and took her hand in mine, squeezing it the lightest I could then bringing it to my lips for a light kiss.
"I've been better, you're not there to lighten up my day.. I missed you too. Oh, I moved, I found a place that was a bit cheaper than the other one, but it's.. nicer." I said, lying about the nice part.
I just didn't want her showing up at the old place to find some random stranger there and freak out, because she would freak out.
"Have you found anything out about Fergie yet? All I've found are little stories and myths on how to get there, all involving Peter pan or some such character with magic. No map or anything." I added, trying to move away from the new place conversation.
She might start asking questions, with questions come quick answer which leads to suspicion. I didn't need her worrying about anything but herself at the moment.

As if it wasn't enough to have people staring at me as I practically jogged towards my destination, it was the fact that a few women kept stopping me and asking if I was alright. I just mentioned a bike accident and the fact that I was late for a meeting, it was enough for them.
It was rather annoying that each time they stopped me it slowed me down. It was another second they could realize that I was missing and catch me. It was another moment I could be closer of not seeing the real Olly.
I skid to a stop as I reached the little alley way depicted on the card and started to sprint down it. I had to slow after a moment due to the narrowing walls but my goal was in sight, the shop. Olly was there.
I almost started crying as I jogged past the fountain and through the little door into the store, a little bell ringing as the door moved.
There I stood panting, to a seemingly empty store.
I brushed my hair out of my eyes and tried to keep my composure but my chest was constricted and it was becoming harder and harder to breathe away the tears. It was hard enough to breathe.
"Olly.. Olly.. Are you here?" I whimpered.
I couldn't believe I was trembling, he had never seen me tremble, aside from when it was from pleasure, but that was different.
He had never seen me scared.
I struggled to put on a brave face for him, if was even here, that easy going smile that I almost always wore near him.
It ended up rather frantic looking, from what I could feel my face was doing.
Was he even here?
My posture slowly began to deflate, my head dropping between my hunched shoulders, what could I do now?


Posts : 11681
Join date : 2010-06-22
Age : 31
Location : Hell... there are so many screaming children here....

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Name: Zem Grayson
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The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production) - Page 22 Empty Re: The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production)

Post by OpenTheDoor Wed Jan 23, 2013 5:10 pm

One, yes. Two, I don't know what one of those are... And three, I needed it -.- I'm sorry if this a bit grammatically incorrect etc.

Jeffrey from behind gave her a subtle nod, just so that Molly could detect his support but not enough so that anyone else could tell. If she was half of nervous as he was then she should have been quaking in her boots without the ability to speak.
But then, she was speaking to the newly crowned King Rhys, the prince who was known to be a lot softer than his father.
He was crowned a little more than five years before then after his father's, King Albert, unpredicted passing. He was quite young then, perhaps a year or two older than Fergie and the rest of the group. Everyone was expecting him to fold under the pressure -- although they wouldn't care to admit that in fear for being imprisoned for treason. But he obviously proved them all wrong, hardening and keeping a stiff upper lip in order to keep order in his kingdom.
Jeffrey had actually forgotten about all of that. Maybe he could have been less nervous, then...
But then again, that palace was the home to many of his friends and relatives, ones who he hadn't heard from for five years. And he was in his human form, not his true form like every other House Elf in the kingdom. He still had his reasons for being worried.
Up upon his throne, the King peered down at the small crowd, sitting up a little more at the appearance of the new Guardian. Rather than the frown which he was wearing before, a small grin grew on his lips. He had been rather looking forward to their meeting today. Needless to say, it gave him a chance to do something a little different to what he had recently been flooded with in recent times.
"Step forward, Miss," he commanded, flicking his wrist in a coaxing manner, "Sir William, bring yourself as well."
Dutifully, the knight stepped forward from the group of shining armour to Molly's side. He held his arm out to aid her to meet the king at a closer range. He certainly did seem quite...enthralled with the new Guardian.

Robin: My eyes followed his hand as he picked mine up, though as he pressed his lips they drifted to his eyes, my lips unable to hide a flicker of a smile. I doubted that a lot of guys did that in recent times and it did actually make me feel a little bit like a princess. I almost skimmed over what he had said about the new apartment.
"Oh, okay," I murmured, furrowing my brows slightly at him, "If you say so, though I'm going to have to come 'round later and check it out myself, maybe when I'm a little less achy and a little less black and blue."
I slipped him a wink as my hand slipped out of his grip to gently stroke the side of his cheek. I scooted my body a little closer to his, having to bite into my lip as I did so. I wasn't going to forget that I was battered and bruised easily. Even so, I was determined to show him a little bit of loving.
But slowly, I shook my head to his question about Fergie, "Sorry, I've been so involved with my drama that I haven't been looking, really... I just watched all of the movies: Peter Pan, Return to Neverland, Hook, y'know. And if we get Tinkerbell then she'll take us there..."
But as I said that, I did instantly feel guilty. He was having troubles and he was still looking for Fergie. I was just moping around.
But...wait. Why didn't I think about it before?!
"They have doors in Neverland, don't they?"
I plunged my hand down the neckline of my dress, gripping onto the key which I had strung around a gold chain. I glanced up to him, raising a brow as I let that suggestion swim in the air.

Olly: I gave a sigh, running a strange new hand through my strange new hair as the other picked up the screaming and steaming kettle. And I literally meant screaming, not whistling. That was what magic did. It made normal things irritating. That was what I had learnt over my few days.
So as I took it off of the heat and filled up the mug, the bell of the door rang, alerting me that I probably had some form of entertainment for a good few minutes, depending if I could measure out a cup of goblin saliva without spilling it everywhere...again.
Seriously, it was disgusting.
But then I heard them speaking. And I knew the voice immediately.
Lila? It couldn't have been. She thought that I was happily sitting at home within my own skin and not disguised as a simple shopkeeper. She was asking for me...
She meant that she knew.
From the depths of the stock cupboard, I ran out, almost dropping my mug of coffee -- the only normal thing in the entire shoppe -- in the process. I didn't give a damn. I swore that it was her.
And as I flew around the corner, I almost slipped over on the prementioned saliva, something which wouldn't have been good. But nothing was going to keep me from her, not from my wife at any costs. I stopped in front of her, resting my hands gently on her arms, steadying her.
"It's okay, I'm here, I'm here!... Well, on the inside but now isn't a time to worry about that.... Are you okay? You look scratched up. You look worried. It's okay. It's going to all be okay..."
I must have rambled on like that for a little while, murmuring like a bit of a madman. I was a little stunned. How did she...? When did she...? Why was she...?
My father must have said something. She wouldn't have found me otherwise, would she?
I made a mental note to ask him later that day.
Until then, though, I was going to sort this mess out.

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The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production) - Page 22 Empty Re: The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production)

Post by bookcrazI Wed Jan 23, 2013 10:40 pm

No problemo- mine might be too Smile

I clung pretty tightly to Sir William, feeling like if I didn't I might just fall over from nerves. But I was a pageant girl, I kept on that cheek pinching smile and kept my bit of tummy sucked in, I had to keep my cool.
Even if my hands wre past the realm of shaking and jus started to vibrate, it was a bit wierd, the buzzing hands thing, it had never really happened to me before.
I had to focus.
Sir William escorted me forward in a quite gentlemanly way, a way a girl dreams her knight to be, all chivalrous and whatnot. He seemed up to the challenge of supporting my watery limbs without a second glance, for that I was grateful. I mean, what girl would want to be caught falling down while meeting the king for the first time.
Though, in my mind I picture an older man with a beard or something out of Lord Of The Rings, the suit threw me off a little too but that really was none of my concern. I had to focus on standing.
When we reached the end near the king Sir William gave me a rare little smile which almost slapped the one I had off my face. His face was usually stoic and more still than possum with a predator nearby. I gathered myself quickly and turned my attention to the king, the smile widening on my face.
He stood from his throne, a good bit taller than Fergie, and made the rest of the way to me and the knight, a smile on his face.
He really was quite good looking, he was one of those hot guys you saw while out and about and as soon as you saw them you know you'll never see them again or be able to talk to them.
He reached out his hand, and I let mine meet his halfway, and he took mine up to his lips. I was a bit stunned, I figured it would be a good natured shake but no. It was a romantic gentlemanly thing.
It would seem that chivalry wasn't dead, just hiding with the magic.
On a side note, Sir William's arm seemed to tighten as the king's soft lips pressed against my hand, my blush and the buzzing of my body distracted me from that for the moment though.
"H...Greetings.. Sir.. Your majesty..Your regalness.. uh.. Sorry, I don't really know how to address a king.." I murmured sheepishly, my strong start ending in an awkward mumble.

I raised my eyebrow to match hers.
She was a little genius at times, though sometimes evil was a prefix.
I got up after her but paused, quickly making my way into Fergie's bathroom and grabbing a box of Gravol and returning. I swallowed a few pills and stuffed the box in my pant's pocket before giving Robin the thumbs up. I was ready to go if she was now, I just hoped my stomach would decide to stay inside my body this time.
"Let's try this, I'd hate to think about what Molly's going through right now. I mean she's pretty much all alone and forced to meet the king, that guy's pretty tough. His son ain't so bad though. It's been a long time since I visited that side of the magical world though. Maybe a few years? We never really went out much at the monastry, you should have seen my first week out. I was like a tourist, wide eyes and pointing.. I was such a dork." I chuckled to myself after a moment, a few memories popping up above others.

I pretty much threm myself at him then collapsed into his arms, tears welling up and letting themselves out on this shirt. He smelled different, felt a little different, and definitely looked different but he didn't act any different. This was my Olly, no doubt about it.
That was probably that fueled the sobbing, I could care less about my sore body and the painful hunger in my stomach, I had my husband back.
"Oh gods.. you have no idea how glad I am to see you.. Oh gods.." I choked out.
After another few moments of clinging to him like a baby koala I let go to the yelling of my stomach. I took in his new look; straighter blonde hair, blue eyes, a sharper jaw line and features overall but not unattractive. My hand wandered up to his cheek and stroked it gingerly, he may have looked different but I could feel him in this body.
Another growl made me drop my hand sheepishly and look at him pleadingly.
"Do you mind...? I.. I haven't eaten in a while.." I murmured, not really wanting to worry him with the truth.
Three days without food. Multiple cuts and other leisions on my skin. A general lack of sleep that probably added up to four days in total. I had him though, and that made everything better.

Posts : 11681
Join date : 2010-06-22
Age : 31
Location : Hell... there are so many screaming children here....

Character Sheet
Name: Zem Grayson
Race: Human Kinsmen
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The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production) - Page 22 Empty Re: The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production)

Post by OpenTheDoor Sat Jan 26, 2013 7:30 pm

Nah, your's is pretty much always decent Very Happy But mine may still seem a bit rushed (esp. the end of the King/Molly bit. I kind of ran out of steam -.-)
But just on another note, I'm listening to a song on repeat: Somewhere in Neverland by All Time Low. It's totally perfect for this story, I feel... :3

The King gently chuckled, his breath close enough to Molly's hand to tickle her skin. He rose himself up again, his eyes unable to leave hers. That charming grin stayed firm on his lips as he gently let her hand fall to her side, only then to lean over the very slightest amount.
"It’s not a problem, Miss. You shall have plenty of time to learn," he murmured, just loud enough for the two of them to hear, "For these next few moments, just in front of the crowd, I shall address you as 'Miss' and you may address me as 'Your Majesty'. When we have a moment alone we may...rearrange that, if you wish."
With a little glint of something in his eye, the King let her hand go and stood up straight once more. He glanced over the crowd, addressing them with a single look with an unmoveable smile firm on his features. It seemed that no-one had overheard them, not even Sir William who had seemed to lose his smile all of a sudden. It mattered not to him if he had overheard his whispers. He had no proof of anything.
“My people, I present you your new Guardian! It’s in these troubled times when we need a strong defence to guard the barrier between our worlds. I trust that we can rest assured that our northern front is stronger than ever. So, join me when I say: merry welcomes to you, Molly Black.”
Immediately four hundred people began to clap, though with the design of the hall and the way the sound echoed, it certainly sounded many more than that. The King took a hold of Molly’s hand once more and persuaded her body to turn with him to face the cheering crowd whether she liked it or not. She didn’t have a choice, did she? She had made the journey and therefore she was happy with going forward with the ceremonies to invest her as the new Guardian of the North.
If she had thought that that was reaction was grand...
“Now, just to announce the news to everyone else... Would you care to join me on the balcony, Miss? It seems as though we have an audience to meet. I hear that they have been waiting for quite a long time for your arrival.”
With both brows raised, the young man began to walk forward, expecting both Molly and Sir William to follow suit behind him. Of course, diligently, the handsome took his post by taking her arm and half-carrying her to where they were off to next: the balcony, the one at the front of the castle which overlooked the grand courtyard, the place where every single guardian, piece of news – whether it be good or ill – and addressing to the rest of the kingdom occurred. Along the way, heads were bowed of every servant, elf and guard in the presence of the king and his important guest, all the way up to the end of the corridor and another pair of large oak doors.
“Oh, just one piece of advice, though I know that everything is happening at quite a pace,” he smiled, straightening his tie as they readied to open the doors, “Remember to smile and wave. The people love an approachable hero.”
And with synchronized nods, the guards opened the doors to the balcony and the roaring crowd.

Robin: It seemed that my idea was accepted.
I let out a sigh as he immediately stood, leaving me behind, sitting at the table which had taken me almost forever to set up perfectly, just staring at that beautifully peachy ass.
Yeah, it had been a while. I missed that perfectly...peachy ass. Damn, I missed all of him. And I thought that I would have been able to survive without him for a few days... But no, I couldn't. I was finding myself becoming closer to him than I thought I would ever become. Hell, I never thought that we would have gotten to that point when I decided to make up a load of mumbo-jumbo about a shitty little painting in that fancy-ass building...
But it wasn't time to be selfish. Other people had bigger problems. I just needed to keep on reminding myself of that. Fergie was in a different land, Johnny was on the run and Molly... Well, Molly had a lot on. I was only missing my brother, getting the same old snidey comments from the other girls and having Daddy problems. I could have it much worse. I could have it like any of them.
I swallowed as I stood, blowing out the candles, all of a sudden feeling a lot lower than I was a few minutes before then, just thinking about his reaction to what I had done. Slipping the key back below my neckline, I slipped my brogues back on and walked to the nearest door. My ears pricked up to the sound of his footsteps and I turned to give him a quick nod. Of course I was ready. I was ready as long as he was there by my side.
"Johnny... Don't talk about Molly too much," I murmured, tapping the door handle, "It's hard enough for me to keep it all together without all of that. Hell, it was impossible for me when you were away..."
I shut my eyes, trying to focus on where we needed to be rather than the situation. I was sure that my mind wandered that we would have ended up elsewhere and not in the fantasy place of my dreams. Sure, I had gone to The Netherlands before, but Neverland was something a little more...different.
I tried to stop myself from looking over my shoulder to him, instead taking a firm grip of his hand. I didn't actually hear the rest of what he said. The rest was just a blur to me. The rest didn't involve my best friend who was going through so much and I couldn't even be there to comfort her.
But I could help. I could find Fergie. I could start to bring everything together. I could help them get their happy ending even if mine seemed to be getting ever more impossible to retrieve.
"So here we go again
Wishing we could start again...
Somewhere in Neverland...
And with one more deep breath, I open both my eyes and the door, not looking at what was on the other side as I pulled him through into the unknown.

Olly: I let her get everything out of her system, just stroking the back of her head as she wept into my off-white shirt. Small nothings came in the form of whispers from my mouth, not spoken in the same voice which we both knew so well. It made me cringe to know that I was actually speaking with the voice of the man who had made all of that happen. Molly's spell only changed my physical appearance, unfortunately, nothing else. However, compared to him, I definitely didn't have perfect speech. I was definitely speaking more commonly.
As she pulled away and held her stomach, my face dropped a little, thinking that she was pregnant...
Then I heard the rumbling.
Thank the gods for that. That definitely wouldn't have been good timing.
"Of course, yeah... Umm..."
Dropping my hands away from her body, I began to try to think though my brain still wasn't in perfect condition. I was still standing in the middle of the shoppe without a clue of what I was to do.
Did she want to eat there?
Did she want to eat out?
Did she wanted me to fix her something up?...
"I'll fix you something up. It might not be as good as the chefs' but..." I nodded to myself.
I ran out of the shoppe front and to the cupboard at the back to try and think of what I could make her out of normal food. I was sure that we had none of that left. I was sure that I was going to go shopping later then, then I was going to order in pizza...
Maybe that would be...
"Have you ever ordered pizza?" I asked, sticking my head around the door, "I could probably get it here in fifteen if I tell Gi its me...though he might not believe it seeing as I don't sound like me, though you sound like you so... It might be a little more edible than using what's in the cupboards. Seriously, out of date cake and teabags...and a packet of--"
I quickly ran back around, swinging open the door of the cupboard to grab onto the bag of potato chips and a bowl. Meanwhile, I hurried back to her, emptying the contents into the dish and held it out to her, almost as though that was a normal thing to do...
Man, I needed I calm down.
"Sorry I'm a little all over the place, I'm just... I can't believe you're here. I thought that that was... I thought that he had..." I rambled, trying to get the sentences to make sense, "At least you know its still me."
I tried to laugh though I just ended up blushing. Yeah, that was a cool thing to do.

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The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production) - Page 22 Empty Re: The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production)

Post by bookcrazI Sun Jan 27, 2013 10:40 pm

That's fine Smile It's really.. I don't want to say inspiring but it does entice me to write things- sorry for the typos in advance, I don't have spellcheck on this computer Smile Mine is still in the shop.. In other news I'm turning our little chat into a comic as an art project. I've edited a few things to make it work better, I hope you don't mind Smile

I stiffened as the King's went from friendly to... something else. What did he mean about 'rearrange that' and 'a moment alone'. I was starting to feel a bit like uncomfortable, but, I reminded myself, there was still a chance of him just being friendly and talking about things in a business manner.
It was that little shine to his eyes that pushed me over into the skeptical side.
I had a boyfriend who loved me.
I mean, he had gotten me into this mess, but I had forgiven him.
He had disappeared too, just after he found out about how we were going to be parents, but that was probably due to someone sabotaging him or something. He still loved me and I him. I was faithful.
My thoughts were drowned out by the mind numbing sounds of claps and I slapped a smile on my face and gave them a debutant wave, trying to catch up with the momentary lapse of attention.
Things were just getting stranger and stranger.
It was the way he forced my body to turn into him and the way that he gave me a bit of crap ass, not very friendly advice that finalized my desicion into loathing him. It was the giant screaming mass of beings that turned my frown upside down, though I hated following that guy's advice, and gave a good numbe of wholehearted waves. I let a bit of my inner shyness out here, not that I wasn't shy, but it I thought it would add to that approachable factor. I had to be the guardian of the north, I had be a star for them, a star athelete or a famous actress. Someone who was just above the average joe for them, because they needed to trust that they were safe with me guarding them.
I hated to think of the or else in this cirumstance.
Sir William stood by my side diligently, a slight frown on his fairytale goodlooks, and had regressed back into his stoic, dutiful self that I knew so well. I wondered how the others were faring.
The crowd continued to rain their praise upon on us but a few head nods that circled around the guards on the balcony and the king and who I thought to be an advisor notified us on the balcony that it was time to retreat back inside. So we all did, waves and smiles coming from myself and the king, and then were directed down into a new room. This one was much smaller than the one before but still extravagant and left me in another moment of awe. It was hard to keep ones' self composed when one kept being assaulted with such things.
I was escorted to my seat, which happened to be a lavish couch that was set infront of a beautifully carved mahogany coffee table. On that table sat a very long looking piece of parchmet and, if all my movie watching and book readings were correct, was some sort of contract that gave me the official title of Guardian of the North. Nothing was said as the feather pen was given to my minamally shaking hand.
It was equally silent when I signed it, though I pursed my lips after I curled the k's leg in finality.
My signature sucked.
It seemed a bit off ceremony to ask if I could redo it but I couldn't help but think about how every person who saw this would think I was a four year old with muscle damage. Too late now.
The sound of more clapping filled the room and I took that as a signal to stand.
"Congradulations. The new Guardian of the North is you. Let us all retire for the moment to freshen up for the banquet. I shall fetch your servent and then have you taken to your room." Stated a bored looking man, who looked like a steward.
People filed out of the room, a few smiles on faces, until it was only me and the King left. My skin prickled and I resisted the urge to glower, I tended to get pretty strange once decided to dislike someone.
Robin knew too well, though she was usually one to encourage it.

I kept my eyes locked on her as she pulled me into the unknown, thinking that this was a perfect metaphor. It was the flying lizards that interupted those thoughts and the purple trees.
This was neverland?
There were rolling hills covered in trees, though I couldn't tell how far they went due to the trees. They were odd colors, almost doctor Suess-esque if I were to really analyze them, and little creatures that reminded me of little dragons flew around like birds.
This wasn't so bad, I mean, I hadn't thrown up yet so that was a good thing. I was seeing a general lack of Fergie.
"Umm.. So what now, should we look around for him?..Are you up to it?" I asked, a bit concerned.
I was glad that at least here, in Neverland, I had no chance of being taken back to the monastry. Together, that's what we were and I was glad of that too.
I hadn't realized a small smile had begun to form on my face until it fell from my face as loud girlish screaming started to get louder and rustling accompanied it. It was rather obivously coming our way.
I tensed and got infront of Robin protectively, hunching forward a bit.
"If we're in danger I want you to hop on my back and I'll get us out of here somehow.. Okay?" I asked.
I was ready to go, ready for pretty much anything, except for a rather naked Fergie to run into our view with flailing arms and a group of little flying lizard things trailing behind him making cooing noises.

I was so glad it was him.
His babbling, his awkward mannerisms.
They all belonged to Olly, not the body he was in nor the body he wasn't in.
Before I could answer the pizza question, which I would have answered in the negative, he had rushed off and returned with a bag of chips and a chipped bowl. He held it to me at arms length, like a sixth grader with a valentine. It made my heart calm.
I smiled and took the bowl from him, arms shaking a bit as I did. His words made my lips turn down a bit and with the notice of that he shuffled me to a little couch in the back. I collapsed into the chair and started to stuff my face hungrily, not really caring if I looked good or not. It was probably my quick face stuffing actions that shifted my dress up at bit more that showed of the more perfect cuts that couldn't be accidents.
I paused in my face stuffing and gulped down my chewed up food.
"He... He did some... awful things... but I fought enough so he couldn't do that.. I knew it wasn't you.. they.. they said I was crazy.. oh god.. I felt... I felt like they were right..." I trembled, my attempt to reassure him just ending in a tearful confession.
I was a bit of a mess.
He looked a bit like one too.
But at least we were together, not to be cliche or anything.

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Join date : 2010-06-22
Age : 31
Location : Hell... there are so many screaming children here....

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Name: Zem Grayson
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The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production) - Page 22 Empty Re: The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production)

Post by OpenTheDoor Mon Jan 28, 2013 5:58 pm

You're good Smile And ooo, a comic, you say? No I don't long as I get to see a bit of it ;D I' like to see how you imagine the characters Razz What what bits did you change, out of curiosity?

Slowly as everyone slunk out of the room, smiles on their faces to have witnessed the signing of the contract, the King rose from his armchair next to Molly, a grin on his own lips. Ah, it seemed that everything was beginning to fall into place. That prophet-teller was certainly correct in her predictions.
"Miss, allow me to congratulate and welcome you into joining the exclusive Guardian club," he nodded gently at her, "I'm sure that the others will be happy to finally meet you. Well, the other three, it seems that you have already met the Guardian of the Core."
He let out a small chuckle at his words. He was pretty sure that she wouldn't know what he was talking about. She was a environment-made-magical human girl, wasn't she? Uneducated in the important magical history of their land and the likes. It mattered not. She had plenty of time to learn and of course she had plenty of books at her disposal at the Royal Library. She was selected for the job for a reason. Lilith must have sensed some sort of promise in her, why else would she have taken her on? It wasn't as if a spell was laid on her which told her to. That would be ridiculous!
"Now, seeing as you've signed the parchment, I think that it would be more appropriate if I were to address you as Lady Black, using your newly acquired title, correct?"
And with another regal scoff, the frowny steward entered back into the room, with Jeffrey following closely behind him. He glanced between the people before bowing to the king.
"Your Majesty, your mother is requesting your presence. Lady Black, if you would be so kind as to follow me. I shall lead you to your bedchamber."

Robin: Shutting the door behind us, it took me a few moments to gather my thoughts. I was still gripping onto the handle as I peered around soaking it all in.
Purple trees?
A blue sun?
...this wasn't my Neverland!
"This can't be right," I murmured, shaking my head, "And I'll be long as we don't g--"
But of course, I was interrupted by a high pitched scream, much higher than anything that I could manage. My brow raised as Johnny swept in front of me, beginning to get a little protective. On one level, that was pretty sexy and I had already put my hands on his shoulders in case I did need to hop on, but then again... It was a girly scream, not a Viking's war cry.
"Okay," I whispered, gripping onto him slightly, "I trust you..."
But it didn't take long to find out what was causing that noise. For, within a few seconds, a familiar mop of bright orange hair came into view... Well, two unruly ginger mops.
I cringed to think.
He was naked. Fully blown naked. I had seen Fergie naked.
I needed one of those Men in Black mind-wiper things.
But then wasn't the time to worry about it. At least the challenge of finding him was easily completed. I had already hopped on Johnny's back, ignoring the searing pain through all of my muscles, eyes wide as the lilac pterodactyl-like creatures were coming towards us.

Fergie: Over the Neverland Plains.
Under the Tiki tree canopy.
Through Crocodile Creek.
They were still following me.
Stupid creatures. Couldn't they see they I wasn't meaning to cause them any trouble? What was wrong with that? My feet were aching and I wanted to stop but I couldn't. They didn't understand that I wasn't a problem. I just ended up on the island...again. It wasn't even my fault that time.
It was hers.
It was Robin's. If she hadn't pulled me through the door then her father wouldn't have had the chance to get rid of me.
I wasn't an idiot. I worked it out. I had been studying after their encounter. Her father was a dangerous man. He had obvious plans and means of getting there. I just turned out to be one of his obstacles so he tried to eliminate me.
Hell If I saw her ever again I'd p--
Huh? What were they doing ther--
"Don't just stand there! Run!"
I probably could have been a lot more dignified than shrieking at them, but seeing as the native wildlife was running me down -- again -- I had to keep my priorities straight. Seriously, it was like they could sense my sexiness and wanted a piece of me.
Well, them wanting me in pieces was a more likely story.
But it seemed that my idea of seeking revenge was wiped from my mind. Well, Johnny was there with his stupid little snarl on his face. It wasn't likely that he was going to let anyone touch his bitch without getting through him first...
It looked like my idea of revenge would just have to wait for a while.
"Head straight forward! When you get to the lagoon hack a right and into the cave system! They're too big to fit in ther-- Ahh!"
The biggest one at the front snapped at my heels again with clear intentions, almost picking me up and throwing me into the back of its throat. I had seen them do it before with much bigger creatures than me. I was just a little appetiser for them. But since two other people had joined...
It looked like they wouldn't go hungry for a while.

Olly: Taking my rightful place by her side, I gently rested a hand on the side of her body, being carefully not to press down too hard in case of bruising.
She looked like she had gone through a war, though I wasn't going to say anything for obvious reasons.
And I thought that I had been through a lot. Looked like I was wrong.
But as she was scoffing down the potato chips, it gave me a chance to give her the once-over with my eyes. The longer the looked, the worse it seemed. With every second glance I saw a new cut, a new scrape, a new bruise which I hadn't seen before. And with every single cut, scrape and bruise, it hurt me even more to know that she had suffered, that everything was happening because I was gone, because he was there in place of me. She looked pale, unwell, shaken, not the spunky independent woman who I knew so well.
Then she spoke.
Inside, a blind rage began to build. Timothy... He dared to do that?! He dared to try and do that with my wife?! He certainly had some nerve! I wasn't going to have that. She was wife. She was mine, not his, even if he was pretending to be me. Our souls were linked that night with the itchy blue paint.
I had to swallow everything down to try and calm her.
"Lila...i-it doesn't matter now. You're safe. You're with me. We're going to find a way of sorting this out...somehow. We just need some time. As long as I draw breath I'm going to make sure that you are safe and sound. I'm going to not let us get split up again. We're going to be all right."
Yeah, I was getting strangely protective of her. I couldn't face to see her like that, cut and bruised, hungry and tired. I only lived to see her happy.
"I'll be right back," I murmured, planting a small kiss on her cheek by instinct, "I'll get the bath running so you can get cleaned up and we can start to get over this, okay? I think I remember a customer saying something about healing bath salts... If you need me..."
I taped the side of her head, signalling that she should use the telepathy. In all honesty, I didn't want to leave her, but maybe she needed just a second alone, just to gather her thoughts, just to let everything sink in and for her to realise that everything was going to be all right.
I meant every single word that I uttered then.
"I promise that I will be a minute, maximum."
And with a small nod to her, I grabbed the jar from off of the shelf, mentally making a note to put the cash for it in the till later -- I wasn't a thief.

Four paragraphs controlling seven people at once. Wow. That mist be a record for me Razz Sorry if the grammar was terrible -.-

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The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production) - Page 22 Empty Re: The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production)

Post by bookcrazI Tue Jan 29, 2013 1:40 am

Well- I changed Lilith's appearence.. because I just couldn't draw an old hag that looked human... :I.. But I started it in a bus and I'm ending it as they leave the shoppe, skipping the eye scene- I only have enough time for about 7 pages and that's being a bit enthusiastic. Razz I have a scan of a shitty practise page, I can email it if you want to see it...
Also- btw your grammar is really good and I barely notice issues, if any Smile Plus you're really skilled with your character formation and everything.

I stood quickly and, without looking at the decievingly handsome king, hurried to Jefferey, a bit of a scared look in my eyes. His smile left me feeling a bit like I had been touched all over by strangers, so rather uncomfortable. Just seeing Jefferey's face was a relief.
Such a big relief.
I let him lead me out without taking another glance at the king, avoiding his creepy but pretty eyes. He was like a poisonous snake, mesmerising but you only know your in danger once their fangs are embedded into your leg. This time I was going to be careful, I had met too many snakes and I was much more wary of trusting people.
So, down another beautiful hallway we went and then up stairs and then through another hallway and..., you pretty much get that there were a lot hallways until we got there. It took a while until we finally made it to the room but it was worth it. The room was huge with an equally huge bed that looked simply cloudlike and it made me just want to dive into it.
"Thanks for saving me there, Jefferey.. That guy is... tricky.. so.. Do I put on a nice dress now? Or should I take a nap.. What am I supposed to do?" I asked him with furrowed brows.
I was seriously clueless here and I just hoped no one was mocking me behind my back.

With wide frightened eyes I started to run after him, trying my best to not jostle Robin too much. Her grunts were making me feel a bit guilty, but I knew she wouldn't have been able to run at any sort of fast pace in her state. At least she didn't have to be staring at Fergie's ass as we tried to escape the scaley bastards.
I really wanted to know what was going on, I mean, for one, why was he naked? Also, I was going to have to find a way to get that image out of my head. I really wanted to know what Molly saw in him.
It was bad enough that I now knew that the curtains matched the drapes but... There were just some things that bros didn't need to see.
"You okay Robin?" I huffed as we crested the top of a particularly steep hill.
The lagoon was in sight.
It wasn't that Robin wasn't heavy, I wasn't gonna lie, that girl had some weight on her, but I was starting to feel the burn in my legs. I hadn't the time to exercise much lately, but I was pretty disapointed in myself for getting tire this early.
Then again I was sprinting with another person on my back.
We pushed it hard for the last bit and we slowed at the mouth of the cave so we could enter in a slightly hunched over posture.
I followed Fergie until he collapsed in a more open area, then I sat myself, letting Robin slide off first.
"Dude. Explain." I panted.

I nodded to him, letting go of him and reclaiming the bowl of chips. I shoved the rest of them down my throat but grimaced as the pain of hunger still tugged at my gut, even though it hurt a bit to try to eat the crumbs.
I must have eaten too fast.
I ran a hand through my messy, greasy hair and stood. He said something about a bath. That would be good.
I would have liked it a bit more if he joined me, but then again it wasn't really his body.
But it was my Olly.
I grimaced.
This whole thing was really hard to understand.
I loved Olly no matter what.
I pulled my knees up to my chest and closed my eyes, exhaustion finally taking it's hold. I was safe. I could rest.
And the dark of sleep grabbed my mind and twirled me off.

Posts : 11681
Join date : 2010-06-22
Age : 31
Location : Hell... there are so many screaming children here....

Character Sheet
Name: Zem Grayson
Race: Human Kinsmen
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The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production) - Page 22 Empty Re: The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production)

Post by OpenTheDoor Wed Jan 30, 2013 7:21 pm

Oh right, fair enough. And I'm sure its not "shitty" Razz But thank you! Though what do you mean by character formation? Sorry, my mind is frizzled at the moment... Statistics homework o.O Oh! And I've messaged you my email Very Happy

The butler blinked a few times as she spoke, looking as though he was away with the fairies, so to speak. He seemed distracted, worried and a little off...
But he had a job to focus on. His personal matters could be dealt with later.
"It is up to you, Miss Molly," he shrugged simply, "You have roughly three hours to spend however you wish before you will be called to the banquet. Of course by that time you will be expected to be dressed and ready... Spend it as you wish."
And of course, he would be obliged to follow every single one of her requests during that time. But if she decided to take a nap then... Well, he would have a chance to fix what he needed to.

Robin: Okay, so clinging onto Johnny's back whilst he ran over all sorts of terrain and having wild bird-dinosaur things snap at my back wasn't my most favourite of moments. Being at the back meant that I was the one to be eaten first. I was just glad that he managed to outrun them. That could have been the end of my tale. And it easily could have done with the amount of effort I needed to use to stay holding onto him. I swear that I almost slipped at one point, when we were sprinting up the hill.
"I'm fine," I murmured, kissing the top of his head, "just as long as you keep running."
But of course, I never doubted the fact that he would get the both of us to the cave without being supper for those creatures. He was an elf. Elves were athletic, right? So as I slipped off of his back and he collapsed to the floor, I felt as though it was only right to take my place next to him, quickly placing a small peck on his cheek. And even though I didn't do any running, I still felt as though I was about to collapse in agony and a sweat. My arm muscles were on fire.
But as my eyes left his worn out face, I gently rested my head upon his shoulder and looked to Fergie who was leaning over onto the wall to try and catch his breath. Of course, however, due to gravity it was causing something else to become more...apparent.
"Fergie! Cover it up! Its disgusting!" I spluttered, "I don't want to see that!"
From off of my own back, I tossed over my hoodie, just hoping that he would fold it so that it would cover his junk. Seeing as he was my best friend's boyfriend, I didn't really want to see him naked. That wasn't a thing that most best friends were meant to do for obvious reasons.
But I was going to have to burn that hoodie then.
"Well its kind...of hard to miss, so..." he shrugged, " But basically...I'm here because of...her."

Fergie: Getting off from the wall, I caught her damn hoodie and frowned, looking at her confused expression. Didn't she realise that? It was her fault that I wasn't with Molly. She was lost and confused and pregnant. She needed me there with her. Plus she was meeting the damn king and I couldn't have been there with her! What did Robin think, taking me away from her?! She had probably got too excited with her little teleporting gizmo that she forgot the important things.
I sighed. I couldn't shout at her. It wasn't time to shout. It was time to get out of there. Instead I turned to Johnny. Even he was more reasonable than Robin.
"I don't suppose that she's told you much but I was dragged through to The Netherlands so that she could shout at me, then she lost it so her father popped up and said that he would send me 'home'. Turns out he was talking about Neverland."
My eyes lowered onto her as I covered up the goods, being careful not to say too much seeing as her overly protective boyfriend was there. Anyway, if he gave chase I probably could have won. I had no clothes weighing me down and he was tired from the rest of the running.
"But things aren't quite the same. The birds are being a lot more ferocious than usual. Something And I haven't been able to find Peter or the rest of the Lost Boys anywhere, not a peep."
With that, I slid down the wall of the cave, sitting upon her hoodie so that I didn't get a grubby butt. But of course, due to everything being on show, she flinched at the sight. She was probably just jealous that she wasn't getting as much with Johnny. He had a motorbike so he was obviously overcompensating.

Olly: "Its ru...nning."
I started to call as I walked around the door, smiling slightly as I saw her sleeping. She looked exhausted, the poor thing. She probably could have done with a bit of a nap... So with that, I walked back to the bath tub and turned it off, glad that I hadn't wasted the bath crystals then. I sighed to myself, running a hand through my hair.
At least we were taking the first few steps towards normality.
Sure, we were in a shoppe, I wasn't in my body, Lila looked like she had been in the wars and everyone else was none the wiser. But it was a start.
Tipotoeing back to her, I grabbed a blanket from the side and laid it on her, taking away the bowl which the chips were in. I even remembered to flip the sign on the door from 'open' to 'close', shutting up a little earlier than I was meant to for lunch. It didn't matter, though, not to me at least.
And with a small smile at her sleeping form, I walked into the kitchen and started cooking up some food for her when she woke up.

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The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production) - Page 22 Empty Re: The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production)

Post by bookcrazI Fri Feb 01, 2013 12:32 am

I rubbed my face with a sigh, it was my decision, about my own time, about me. Why did that make it so much harder to decide?
The choices weighed as much as whales as I tested their weight in my head, everything else felt like little pebbles.
Was that a word?
I didn't care.
I forced a smile.
Jefferey was looking at me still.
"I think I'll take a shower, it's been a while," I joked, "Go on and do what you want to do, I won't be needing you to take care of me for a while, I plan on taking a nap too."
Another smile.
That seemed to be enough for him to shuffle off, well, that and the fact that I had already turned and started making my way to the bathroom.
I don't think he noticed how each step signaled my personal little black cloud back to it's faithful spot above my head.
I shut the door behind me and turned on the water to the massive shower, it was like another room, really.
I then went to the mirror, it was long and it extended over the walls of the bathroom, hanging over the modern sinks and make up counters that lined the walls.
It was perfect for inspection of oneself, which was both the genius of it and the horrible truth. I studied my face.
If it wasn't for the makeup I would have looked rather tired, dark bags hid under the cover up and only shone through where it was smudged, my eye shadow had begun to mix together along the crease of my eyes and my eyeliner was smudged as well.
Smudged but normal.
I looked like a normal teenager after a night of studying or something.
Main thing was, I looked young.
How could this face, my face, be the one of the new Guardian of the North?
How could this face be expecting a child.
And thus doubt and fear took up their stools in my head and held hands, quite merrily if I might add.
The steam from the shower began to creep across the mirror, obscuring my quivering lower lip and my furrowed brows. The staring contest between us would only end in watery eyes. I tore myself away from the mirror and began to tug off my clothes roughly, ripping things off of my body and throwing them to the growing in a desperate flurry.
I then stood naked with my arms wrapped tightly around me, my fingers digging into my flesh as I shivered, the icy rain from the dark cloud turning my blood cold.
How I wished it wasn't just my hands wrapping around my middle, how I wished it was Fergie or Robin or my mother. I wanted those reassuring arms to hold me, to tell me I was doing great, everything was fine, they had it handled.
But no.
No arms were going to lift me up.
I had to stand.
I stumbled into the hot shower and braced myself against one of those tiled walls, the almost burning water caressing my back with slaps of heat. I laughed.
Tears fell down my face as I did so in realization; no matter hot the water was in the shower, it would never change the temperature of the rain that fell from my own personal little black cloud.
I still reached for the handle and turned it.
Steam filled my lungs and pulled them down. The heavy air matching my heavy heart.
I grimaced.
I wasn't the only one with a heavy heart.
There was Robin and Johnny and Fergie and even Jefferey who had little weights pulling them down as I did. I was no unique case. I was just the only one wallowing here.
When did I let myself invite in the clouds?
When did I get so small?
I stood and rubbed myself till my skin was pink and sore, scrubbing away the dirt and denial and sadness and fear. Locking them from my mind.
I had to be strong, my mind was the only thing I had to fear from now on.
No real thing.
Not really.

I kept one hand up while he talked along, explaining things, just in case.
But it was his words this time, not his package, that lead me to frown.
So that's what happened.
I ran my free hand through my hair, the frown turning into a thinking grimace on my face. This was a rather strange thing.
"No Peter. No lost boys. Angry dragon creatures. Robin and the Netherlands. Her father. I have one question. Why are you naked?" I asked calmly.
Really that was the one question I could think of, the only one.
There was a point when you got so lost that you just don't know what to ask or who. I may have studied magical creatures and legends and lore and history, but that didn't mean I could figure any of this stuff out. I wasn't clever like Robin. I could define and point to what a Heffalump was, but ask me what to do with one? Nope. I would be scratching my head at that one.
I wrapped an arm around Robin gently and sighed.
Looks like things were going to be much more difficult than I thought.

Imma just have her sleep a bit, I'm a bit too tired to write something for her. and she's already sleeping...
Sorry :/

Posts : 11681
Join date : 2010-06-22
Age : 31
Location : Hell... there are so many screaming children here....

Character Sheet
Name: Zem Grayson
Race: Human Kinsmen
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The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production) - Page 22 Empty Re: The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production)

Post by OpenTheDoor Fri Feb 01, 2013 6:07 pm

Rather unlike the courteous butler, he was already out of the door by the time Molly had finished her sentence properly. He had a feeling that she would allow him some free time to spend as he wished. She really was a kind master.
Well, to be honest, Fergie wasn't a bad master, either. He just liked it when he was driven around everywhere and was bought the right brand of tomato ketchup. He had definitely witnessed worse, especially in that building.
So he weaved through the massive portrait-lined corridors, keeping his head low and actions indistinct. He knew where he was heading -- the servant quarters, the ones belonging to the House Elves. They lived in the lowest of the basements, on the same level as the dungeon where the murderers were kept. Of course, they could never have done any harm however... Well, plenty of people treated them worse than killers.
After skirting down the narrow stairway to the ill-lit bottom floor, he reached the door without so much as a second of hesitation. He tapped on the door in a particular way and waited...though not for long.
No words were passed as it swung open and Jeffrey slipped into the room. His eyes were pinned onto the massive table in the middle of the room, ignoring the bunk-beds which covered every part of the wall in that place. Of course, he towered above the rest, him being the only one in his human form as the rest were forced into their true elven form. No-one seemed to talk about that and, instead, gave him nods of greetings.
"What has happened?"
The butler asked lowly, staring at the elf at the end of the table. Though most of the elves were wearing rags and tatters, this one was wearing a little waistcoat, though it was also made of scrap material, it did certainly make him seem a little more important than the rest.
"The Kingdom... Its believed to be coming under attack."
The butler nodded. He wasn't shocked, not like most would expect him to be. It looked like he already knew...somehow. His face was as stern as the one speaking.
"A fortune-teller has come telling tales of what will happen. She is well-learnt and trusted so there is little doubt. The King, he's hardly been sleeping. He's too young to be able to handle thi--"
"Yet the new Guardian of the North is younger than him!" Jeffrey muttered, lashing out, "That's a more important point to protect, the non-magical world! That is where every being targets!"
All eyes turned onto the new comer, a strange sense of passion following all of his words. There was something burning in his eyes, and it was definitely something which they wanted to try and avoid.
"But the fortune-teller..."
A new elf began to speak, this one female. Her voice was softer, hoping to calm down the irritated elf opposite the table to her.
"...she speaks of another future. There are two paths which may be taken, all depending on the actions of six. Your Lady Black is one of this six. Only one path is lined with hope, however... One is certainly more desirable than the last, for the rest of the lands' sakes."
"What did they say? Anything on details, actions to avoid, anything?" Jeffrey asked.
But as the female elf fell silent from his words of desperation, the waistcoat-wearing elf shook his head. The butler's snarl faltered slightly. He wished that there was more, that he knew more. He was protecting Lady Black, wasn't he? He needed to know more!
"She said that it was out of our control. We could not influence any of their actions in any way, however, the king doesn't seem to recognise this. He plans to interfere with everything possible. We think this may be possibly because he knows he isn't one of the six to change the fate of the worlds."
"He is not? Wh-who is, then?"
But he had a feeling that he already knew, at least four of the six and despite his stammering. And as his eyes fell onto the watch strapped to his wrist, he frowned. He wished that he had more time. He wished that he knew more.
"I am sorry, Brother. I need to leave. Lady Black will request my attention soon enough," he murmured.
"That is fine, Brother. Just remember: no interfering."
With a nod of understanding, the elf quickly turned on his heels and headed back for Molly's chamber.

Fergie: A small yet awkward laugh passed my lips as he asked that question. He really wanted to know? I didn't think that he did. He was just jealous.
"Basically..." I murmured, a running a hand through my hair -- on my head, for your information -- as I spoke, "Literally fifteen minutes ago, the Neverbirds were chasing me and I needed to escape so I made a mannequin of myself out of wood, leaves and the likes and dressed it up in my clothes. It worked for a while, they attacked it and started tearing it up as I ran away...then they realised what had happened and came after me. I was trying to find Peter, or Hook at least so there was something to work from but...nothing."
And that was the thing that worried me the most. I could always find Peter. Hell, if you found Hook then you definitely would find Peter but... There was nothing. No-one.
"Then you guys popped up in the middle of nowhere through one of the doors in the trees, I'm guessing due to your girlfriend's teleporting thing."
Yeah, I wasn't in the mood to talk to her. As I said, I was only going to be looking directly at Johnny. Anything that she wanted to ask or say had to be spoken through her boyfriend.
"So, if you want to take me back then... Well, we might have to wait until nightfall seeing as the birds will be sleeping then. Then we can find a door and travel back through."
Although I didn't really want to go back. Why would I? Peter was missing. Something had happened and I needed to find him but... Well, Molly possibly needed me a little bit more. I hadn't seen Peter for a good five years since then and, well... Peter wasn't pregnant with my child, was he? He was a little too young for that.

Robin: My frown grew a little more and more as the realisation built up, burning a little mark on my heart. My grip tightened upon Johnny's thin -- and every so slightly sweaty -- shirt without me even realising it. I bit into my lip, almost enough so that it would split and bleed.
It was my fault...wasn't it? If I didn't do that then Molly wouldn't have been alone, my father wouldn't have met Johnny in those circumstances and... Well, Fergie wouldn't have been in that mess. I didn't like him but I didn't want him to be nearly eaten by dinosaur things.
I was refusing to acknowledge that they were the fabled birds in Neverland. I wasn't going to accept that, even if Fergie was stating the truth.
I shook my head slightly, burrowing myself into Johnny's shoulder almost as if I was trying to hide away from the truth. Really, I just needed a bit of comfort and attention, mostly from him. Yeah, I just wanted him to whisper in my ear that everything would be alright and then we would...
I had to snap back into reality before it became awkward in front of the naked guy.
"Nightfall? But that's another six or seven hours away," I grumbled, mostly to myself.
Well, I was the only one who could have heard that seeing as my mouth was pressed into the muscles of my boyfriend's arm. Those lovely, toned, sexy muscles...
But as I grumbled, my stomach decided to follow suit. Damn Fergie and the damn rescue mission. I was craving lasagne...and something else. And I didn't think that I could hold out for that long, for food at least though the other thing was starting to get a bit irritating with lonely nights alone, reminiscing about our moment together...
But seriously, I would die before then, not of hunger but because everyone would be so fed up of me moaning about being hungry. And Fergie and I were bound to get into an argument. He had already begun to annoy me, speaking only to Johnny instead of me. I was the one who came up with the idea! I was the one who...
Ah, it wasn't time to argue. It was time to get the hell out of there.

Olly: And therefore Olly shall continue to cook Smile

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The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production) - Page 22 Empty Re: The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production)

Post by bookcrazI Sat Feb 02, 2013 4:11 am

(tiny time skip? Perhaps to just before the banquet for Molly and Jefferey, nightfall for Robin, Fergie, and Johnny, and bath time for Lila and Olly? Would you like to start or shall I? Also, I just want to say that we've both changed our writing styles from when we began this chat. It was really interesting, I had to get a bit of info for my comic and I was reading through and was all like "No way, I wrote this?" "Where were we planning to go with this?" I think we've gotten a bit more orderly with how we advance our mini plots and larger plotlines and also matured in our writing styles. I blame the sex. Razz)

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The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production) - Page 22 Empty Re: The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production)

Post by OpenTheDoor Sat Feb 02, 2013 6:09 pm

I can, so I shall! And yeah, well, to be honest, we started this chat two and a quarter years ago! It would be weird if we didn't improve, haha. I think that I've become a little less rushed with it and explaining things more clearly Razz Oh yes, the sex is always to blame! ;D

"Miss Molly. We have ten minutes until your presence will be requested... Are you ready?"
The butler knocked on the door to her room, having left it as she dressed to go into his, the little cupboard next to hers. It was possibly just big enough to house a simple single-sized bed and a chest of drawers. Minimalistic wasn't the word; bare was. But of course, it was much better than what every other House Elf was given so he couldn't complain.
But as he gave a sigh and looked at himself in the mirror attached to the back of the door, he gave a frown. He was still in his human form, dressed in his best suit to mark the occasion. He knew that nevertheless he would only be forced to the back, out of sight of everyone else. He knew that he was only needed to make sure that Lady Black was dressed and prepared for the evening as well as escort her to the dining hall. Other than that... Well, he had plenty of time to talk to the others and work on a plan, didn't he?
He just prayed that she wouldn't complain and request that he sat next to her during the feast. That would only start an uproar. Then what? She would get a bad name and, being selected by the King herself it would tarnish his name. Then the whole kingdom would question his judgement. Then they may rebel, causing more havoc as war begins to brew in everyone's minds.
Then what would happen?
Who knew, but it could only end badly.

Robin: A small shaky sigh escaped from my lips, my arms wrapping around my body a little tighter as I laid on the cold and dirty cave floor. Just staring at the same spot on the wall wasn't necessarily the most enthralling thing, but it wasn't as if I was at all able to fall asleep.
Yes, I tried. What else was there to do in a cave? And anyway, I wanted to be alone. Sure, it was hard with Johnny being there but... Well, whenever we got the slightest bit couple-ish, Fergie just moaned about the fact that he wasn't with Molly which of course made me feel guilty. But the stupid thing refused to go to sleep at all so we couldn't get any privacy.
it was my first day with my boyfriend in ages and I was spending it in a dark, damp cave with a naked man... And the naked man wasn't Johnny.
I didn't even know if they were awake or not. I swear that I had heard Johnny talking but...
I gave a sigh and sat up, unsure at what the time was. My phone had ran out of battery pretty quickly seeing as Angry Birds used up way too much of my battery. But I guessed that it kept me entertained for a while.
"How long left?" I asked.
It was the first time that I had talked in ages, since announcing that I wanted to be by myself to think. Really I just went to the other side of the cave in a dark corner where I was hopefully out of sight and out of mind. And yeah, I found a few rocks to try and focus on making them float. Did it work?... Not really, no. They didn't sustain flight, they just hovered maybe a centimetre of two in the air or a second or so before falling to the dusty ground with a dull thud. And my father expected me to be able to control it masterfully two weeks from then? That was only six lessons away. That was impossible, surely.
But then again, I said that about Fergie and Molly getting together. And I was sitting there then with them soon-to-be parents to a little rascal.
I just hoped for popularity's sake that it would inherit it's mother's hair colour, the poor thing. I would have hated to be the one to go into the school and strike up a fight, though it was something that I was bound to do.
But as I crawled out from my corner and poked my head around, I gave a sigh, watching the two guys near the entrance to the cave. Well, I guessed that it was them. Only their silhouettes were to be seen, really, just the outlines cast from the torch in the back of Fergie's new phone.
If Molly was there then she could have made a light or something, maybe even a fire. I was sure that she would know how to do that. She was clever. Lilith taught her hell loads of things which anyone would think was impossible. Maybe she could have made me a new hoodie too...
She probably could have teleported us back, right?
I wouldn't have doubted that for one minute.
But I knew something then. It was definitely nightfall.

Fergie: "I think that a kangaroo would beat a panda in a fight. I mean, they're known to kick. Panda's are just cuddly little adorable creatures. They're lazy and eat bamboo all day. Kangaroos live in Australia. They're hardy. They kick ass...literally."
How the hell could Johnny think that a panda could win? I didn't know why he would think that.
With Robin gone, we could talk about guy things. The only problem was that he kept on looking over his shoulder to the place where Robin had sulked off to and that we had never talked, just the two of us, for longer than an hour. We had to try and whittle away six.
Soon enough the topic of conversation got a bit dreary.
And as I was saying, he always seemed half-hearted in the conversation, muttering to himself as he ran a hand through his hair -- 189 times, by the way, he had done that -- and asking if he would go over and see her. Of course, I didn't give a damn. If he wanted to go and comfort her then he should... But every time he went over there she seemed to be sleeping so he just apologized and we had to try and pick up the conversation again.
How fun.
But it seemed that a new topic was in order. Princess Robin had awoken from her deep slumber.
"Its been dark for...maybe thirty minutes. I'd say that we could go pretty soon. Sometimes the Neverbirds like to hang around a little longer, especially if they know that there's easy targets out there."
I didn't mean to scare them but... Well, it was true. Compared to some of the other wildlife in Neverland, we, as humans -- and an elf -- were pretty simple prey. We didn't even have any camouflage.
So as Robin rose from her corner she slumped back down the cave towards us, well, her boyfriend. She just sat by his side, leaned onto him and pressed a small kiss to his cheek. But that wasn't the worst bit. It was when she pulled away I swore that I could hear her whisper "I love you".
"I think that the closest fairy door is still a few hundred metres away from here, but its mostly following the edge of the cliff face and on grassland, no bogs or trees to get in the way. That might mean that Robin will have to go first so that she can OpenTheDoor for us. We could even creep instead of run... Their nests aren't even around here but I'd rather be safe then sorry... Yeah?"
I think that I was rambling. Maybe their sweet little actions had made me a little... Well, jealous was the word, no doubt about it. I just wanted Molly there, laying beside me -- preferably in her birthday suit like me, wink wink, nudge nudge -- and showing me how much she loved me. It was just horrible seeing the others have it when I needed it so desperately so.
It wasn't fair.

Olly: So that invisible cloak really did work!
Yes, I eventually had to open shoppe back up after Lila drifted off. I was having punters leaning on the windows to see if anyone was in and, of course after seeing me sitting there, feet up and reading a newspaper, they weren't impressed.
I just hoped that Molly wouldn't get a bad reputation for the shoppe because of me.
Basically I just threw the cloak over her and opened up, having a series of magical creatures push past me to look at the wares inside. It wasn't that bad, actually, though she started snoring ever so lightly after a while, something that I usually found strangely adorable, but most of the customers were left confused.
And after a good few extra hours trading, the clock finally ticked to close time, my favourite time of the day back then. Instantly I jumped up, closed the blinds and flipped the sign. It was time to wake her up.
And I wasn't in any doubt that she was still asleep then.
Seriously, one time there was a heavy thunderstorm and she didn't even flinch. It was impressive. And by the looks of her, it seemed that she hadn't slept in days, bless her. I was sure that if I was physically shaking her by the shoulders and screaming in her ears she would have maybe rolled over.
I couldn't help but think that could have potentially been dangerous, though. If there was a fire then I doubted that I could carry her fireman's lift, over my shoulder, to safety. I had trouble carrying a bag full of Gremlin Bones to the horse of a customer a few days before then. Lila was definitely heavier.
Though don't tell her that I said that.
With a sigh, I crept over to the couch and lifted off the cloak, revealing her snoozing body. I smiled, crouching down beside her. She was finally at peace. No doubt that she had been going through hell those last few days. I was just glad that she was there, alright and breathing...and not pregnant by his means. Sure, it was my body wasn't me, was it?
I shook the thought out of my head. I had plenty of time for redemption later. Right there and then, I needed to get her in a bath and fed.
Lila, its time to wake up, sleepy head...

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The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production) - Page 22 Empty Re: The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production)

Post by bookcrazI Sun Feb 03, 2013 8:35 pm

I frantically tried to put my dress on as Jefferey knocked.
After my lovely little depression session it took me about an hour to leave the warm womb like atmosphere of the steamy shower. I basically wrapped a bunch of towels around my body and slunk to my huge, and not to mention comfy, bed where I took a long dreamless nap.
I woke to find my hair dried in what looked to be a rendition of roadkill and my eyes swollen. Not a pretty picture.
Definitely not ready for the banquet.
"Oh.. Jefferey.. could you please come in and help me?" I asked, feeling panic set in.
That's when my body decided to remind me that I was pregnant and give me a lovely dose of nausea that sent me, with my makeup half on and still in my underwear, to the toilet to acknowledge the fact.
The time was ticking, I had to be presentable and it was no time for my body to sabotage me. Teen angst meter was in an all time high,
Magic and hormones did not mix, I had just gotten over one moment of self pity, I wasn't gonna let myself be sucked into another. I had people depending on me.
So, with shaky limbs I stood and went to wash out my mouth, already thinking up a lie that would get me out of eating a lot of food. I could do this, I had to do this.

So the hours passed, I constantly checked on Robin, her little corner of gloom making me a tad bit worried. Though Fergie's rough sighs every time I tried to comfort her left me more annoyed than worried. It wasn't like he didn't do this with Molly, they were sufficiently couplely from what I heard.
He had gotten her pregnant so I had to assume some things.
I crawled my way back to Fergie and considered his argument. We had been going at this for a while now, it started with walruses and platypi but slowly shifted to pandas and Kangaroos. I was winning, his argument was completely flawed.
"You are thinking of the stereotypical panda. They are vicious when they need to be, they're BEARS for the gods' sakes, I mean even the World of Warcraft designers agree with me, ever heard of "The mists of Pandaria"? So a Kangaroo would just get torn up." I concluded.
That left us in relative silence for another few hours, me staring at Robin every couple of minutes then drawing in the loose dirt on the ground.
Then Robin came to my side, her little kiss made my body heat up.
She really underestimated what she could do to me.
I held her hand and whispered "I love you too" quietly back, ignoring the look of disgust on Fergie's face.
I stood, gently pulling Robin up with me, and looked to him with a shrug.
"Let's get going then. The sooner we can get back the sooner we can transport you to Molly and we can begin to deal with the other problems facing us." I announced.

The voice in my head.
The darkness cleared.
A sense of panic set over me, it was normal to me now, a healthy sense of fear. I, in thinking back, hate myself for thinking that way, but it just seemed appropriate to the situation.
So my eyes flung open and I began to shout, struggling with the blankets that covered me and then the strong arms that held me down. I screamed and tears ran down my face.
It was after a few moments of vicious struggling that the voice actually reached my ears and I stopped, Olly, well Olly in someone else's body, was panting while holding me down on the couch.
I started to sob in relief that it was him, which brought him close in a breathlessly tight hug that pulled my mind back together.
"I'm sorry... How about some food now that I've gone and acted insane." I joked as I nuzzled his neck.
I tried to hide my shame by clinging to him, although I didn't think I could have let go of him if I wanted to at that time.

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The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production) - Page 22 Empty Re: The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production)

Post by OpenTheDoor Mon Feb 04, 2013 5:48 pm

Striding into the room, Jeffrey raised a brow as Molly returned from the bathroom, a little dribble of what he hoped was saliva down from the side of her mouth. He frowned. She wasn't even dressed. Her hair was messier than Fergie's. She looked like she had just been through a war.
"Allow me," he sighed, walking over to her.
Shimmying the dress up her body, he guided her arms through the correct holes -- not the head hole like she was putting her arms through -- and quickly laced up the back. His eyes scanned over her hair, trying to think of something which he could so in order to make it look a little more presentable in front of the king. Of course, he had an answer.
He quickly walked and grabbed a chair, directing Molly to sit in it before he cracked his knuckles. It was going to be a little difficult as he hadn't done it in a while, however...
He just hoped that his magic hands were up to it.
And it seemed that the cracking had activated their magical glow as they should.
His hands swiftly sorted the hair, magically turning the palm tree-esque array of locks of hair into something a little more sophisticated. He didn't have much to use but he did note a few bobby pins on the dresser. Within a few minutes her hair looked as though a true professional had spent an hour on it, turning her disaster into an elegant half-updo.
"There we are," he announced, finally taking a step back from his masterpiece, "Hopefully that will be able to stand all night long. If not then call me if necessary and I shall be able to fix it."
With a nod, he was about to let her go until he realised something.
The make-up wasn't finished...but with a snap of his fingers it was easily done.
"There. Happy, Miss Molly?"

Fergie: Did he fail to realise that World of Warcraft was a load of nonsense? Sure, some bits were strangely accurate, however... I didn't think that he would know about those sorts of things, being a elf. Elves were, by my own knowledge, not very good with technology. Hell, I had seen him trying to use a mobile and my grandma could have used one faster than him!...if I had a grandma, that was.
"Sounds like a plan," I nodded at him, ignoring the clinging girlfriend at his side
Soon enough I would have been with my own girlfriend...
Well, when I say girlfriend. I had half a mind to change that status one day. Those moments away from her were the most difficult times of my life and I didn't want them to ever be repeated again so...
But they had their own problems?! Pfft. As if they had them as big as I did, well, we -- as in Molly and I -- did. I didn't think that Robin was pregnant -- she was always that temperamental and mood-swing prone. But that might have taken a bit of the limelight off of the two of us...
Without another word, I hopped up to my feet and began to head for the mouth of the cave, being careful not to accidentally step on any twigs at all. But it seemed as though the coast was clear as I snooped my head around the corners. The Neverbirds couldn't fly when it was dark anyway so were at an advantage.
Waving them over from behind, I slowly began to walk along the slight clearing around the edge of the jagged rocks which housed the cave system. I wasn't necessarily creeping as it wasn't needed but I definitely wasn't skipping along. I was always the one who was left behind to be rescued in our group of Lost Boys, sad to say. I was too clumsy for the adventure.
It didn't take too long to reach there, however, as after a few minutes, a sight that I knew rather well came into view, dimly lit by the shiny stars and fireflies. It was just after a slight slope in the ground, then the biggest tree just to the right of you...
And surely enough, it was there.

Robin: So I gave a go at hobbling behind Fergie then, gripping onto Johnny for support in fear that I would fall over myself or have a muscle in my leg snap. It wasn't too bad, I didn't think. Just sitting around dong nothing gave me a chance to let them heal and what have you. Of course, I was nowhere near the sort of level which I wanted to be at, the height of fitness where I could, say, I don't know... Wrestle with an elf? The gist was easy to get.
And as Fergie stopped and began rubbing his hands, it was easy to assume that he managed to find that fairy door he was looking for...and it was actually human-sized which surprised me. I thought that Tinkerbell was tiny?
Whatever. I had been disappointed with Neverland that day.
"Excuse me," I murmured, slipping past him, "Johnny, take my hand. Fergie...take the wrist."
I didn't want him touching me. It would pass his germs on to me...
Plus I had seen him fiddling with himself so he was touching me with willy cooties.
But no, I had to be an adult about it. I had to take in a deep breath as I gripped onto the make-shift branch/handle there and sighed. How I wanted to go home, even though it was way late and I bunked half of my day off school to get stuck in a cave for hours. I just wanted to crawl into bed and sleep, maybe weep a little, maybe into Johnny.
And as I opened the door, a familiar sight came into view. Yes, it was only lit by the street lights below but it was easy to tell that it was Fergie's apartment. I pulled all of us through with a grin.
I never thought that coming home would be so delightful.

Olly: "Hey! Hey! Lila, calm down, its me! Its Olly!"
Holding her down as she thrashed beneath me -- and not in a good way -- I frowned as the tears began to roll down her face. Maybe I should have woken her up gently? It was definitely my fault, wasn't it? Seeing her like that, after what had happened to her... Timothy screwing up everything did that to her?
It did make me wonder what was happening behind the closed doors of the manor. Had he really pretended to be me so well that even her parents believed the ruse? How could it have been so? He couldn't have acted the way I did. I had a heart. I gave smiles to the servants even though it was against social protocol. I did it as it was the nice thing to do. Tim didn't have a single pleasant bone in his body.
I had had too much time alone to think.
But after a couple of moments and after she had fully calmed down, I finally let go of her in our tight embrace. It was difficult, letting go of her. Ever since we got split up I didn't think that I would have been able to do it again even though it was just a hug.
I nodded to her request, "You're not insane. You had a rough time and I'm proud of you that you managed to stay so strong for so long... But of course. If you would like to take a seat..."
In the middle of the shoppe floor I had set up a small table and two chairs. It wasn't necessarily anything fancy or romantic -- the cutlery didn't match, the glasses had smudges on them, there was no table cloth and so on... But anywhere with my wife wasn't ever going to be so bad.
I helped her to her feet and guided her to the chair, pulling it out so that she could sit down properly. I smiled as I pushed forward the carton of orange juice -- literally the only thing to drink that wasn't milk in the fridge -- and sighed.
"I'll be right back. I just need to plate up."
With a small grin, I rushed to the back of the shoppe and the tiny hob that was warming up a rather large pot. Yes, I had made chilli. It was basic ingredients and spices, plus it could have been left to cook for ages until she woke up... Plus I could make lots of it in case she was really that starving. I dished up two rather large bowls of the stuff and walked back, unable to hide a rather large grin on my lips. It was probably the first time ever that she had had Mexican food. It wasn't necessarily hôte cuisine, was it?
"I didn't make it very spicy but I have some hot sauce if you want it spicier... Also there's way more if you want it. Just... Just enjoy it," I smiled, putting the plate down in front of her, "This is my aunt's recipe. Won the county fair a few years back...though she probably makes it way better than me."
I gave a shrug as I picked up a bread roll from the pile which I had laid out and bit into it, slightly keen to see her reaction. Then again, she might have just plunged into it and not really give a damn to the flavours in there...
Either way I didn't care; as long as she was there.

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The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production) - Page 22 Empty Re: The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production)

Post by bookcrazI Tue Feb 05, 2013 1:48 am

Within seconds he had me picture perfect, with literally a snap of his fingers. Magic.
Why hadn't I thought of that?
I numbly nodded to him, bringing my hands up to my face to touch it in awe, it looked like a professional had done it. So did my hair. I didn't even know you could make it look like that.
I turned to him and gave him a tight hug as thanks, "I couldn't be doing any of this without your help, Jefferey, for that I am grateful." I murmured before letting him go.
A deep breath danced out of my lips as my spine straightened, getting ready for the banquet. My stomach was still acting like fruit in a blender but I forced it into zen, determination flaming through my veins.
It was funny how quick my mood could change now.
I put on my best smile and my shoes and sashayed to the door, I was ready, thanks to Jefferey, and I was gonna take the banquet by storm.
Could you do that?
Well I would.
I opened the door and strode out confidently, I had this.
Where was it again?
I strode back to the room.
"Where am I going?" I said through my smile.

We slipped through door into Robin's room, home at last, well her home at least.
Her bed was there.
She was rather close to me.
I felt heat begin to stir in my bones, I was practically panting.
I was glad that it could just be mistaken for me being out of breath, though Fergie being there was quite a good way to cool off. He was still naked.
He had just tied Robin's hoodie around his waist like an apron, but it didn't really do much when he turned around, surveying her room.
He was here.
That was a problem.
I still held Robin's hand tightly in mine.
There she was.
There he was.
I kind of snapped after a moment and unzipped my pants, tugging them down in exasperation. I handed my jeans to him with a gruff sigh as I stood there in my boxers, blushing a bit and focusing on things that weren't Robin and her bed or a mix of the two... Not that.
"Take them. Keep them. Just cover up. It'll be harder to explain why you're going out of Robin's room naked than it is for me. So take them and go. Molly needs you." I said quickly.
He could go.
I could stay.

I smiled at him as he pulled the chair out for me, being a lovely and gentlemanly. Truthfully, I didn't really mind that he didn't look like my Olly, I mean it was a bit strange but I knew he was my Olly so I could overlook the fact that his hair wasn't shaggy nor brown or he wasn't the same build.
He was still awkward and cute.
He was still thoughtful.
He was still brave.
He made me Chili.
I studied the food for a moment, I had seen pictures of it before but never tried it before, it always looked good. This looked good too, and Olly had made it.
I smiled at him and started to eat it slowly, ignoring my writhing stomach, tasting it and flashing him a delighted smile.
"It's amazing!" I exclaimed, the flavors were new and interesting.
They danced on my tongue as I slowly evolved from little bites to showing it into my mouth. It was long before I had a red rimmed mouth and an empty bowl, my eyes looking up at him gratefully.
Truthfully, that plus the chips had left me sated.
I was someone who ate in shifts, I knew I would be hungry in about an hour or two.
"Maybe... A bath now? More food later?" I asked softly, wiping my mouth.
I flashed him a seductive grin, one I didn't think I could do any more.
"You could join me..."

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The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production) - Page 22 Empty Re: The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production)

Post by OpenTheDoor Tue Feb 05, 2013 4:10 pm

Fergie: I couldn't hear what he said seeing as I was keeling over her bin, dry-heaving. It was fortunate for her that I hadn't eaten for days. I was starved. Despite me hating her, I didn't want to give her a present of my sick to clean up.
I looked up and saw his jeans on the floor, then him standing there with no pants on. I gave him a nod of appreciation, for everything that the two of them had just done for me. Of course, I wasn't going to give one to Robin. She hadn't taken me back to my apartment but instead her rather cluttered room. It wasn't necessarily untidy, just a bit full. But I didn't want to go see Molly wearing a tiny hoodie and jeans which were too long in the leg.
But as Robin said her little thing to Johnny, being blatantly obvious about certain things, she grabbed a hold of my wrist and led me to her door. She opened it, and instead of seeing a normal corridor which led to the flight of stairs and onwards, I just saw...
Molly and Jeffrey!
It was definitely them!
But I didn't even have a chance to say 'okay' as she pushed me through roughly. Seriously, as the door slammed behind me I was left with a brow raised and a stomach churning. As I swallowed down and gripped onto the floor, I attempted a weak grin as Molly was facing the other way, talking to Jeffrey who had just pulled a face as if he had just seen a ghost.
"My my, you look stunning."
Though of course that smile wasn't going to be wiped off of my face.

Jeffrey gave a quick nod, not saying anything. But as he glanced to his watch, he frowned.
"We have two minutes until you will be fetched. Until then I suggest that you--"
He stammered to a stop all of a sudden. Was his eyes deceiving him? Was it really?
"Master Ferguson! You've arrived!... How did you?"
But it seemed that he was too busy running over to Molly to give her a kiss.

Robin: I gave a sigh as I realised that I had pulled us through to my room, not Fergie's. It seemed that having Johnny on the mind chanced where I wanted to end up. That was nice to take note of for later.
And as his grip on my hand tightened I knew that similar thoughts were going around his brain.
"I-I'll drop you off where Molly is," I murmured, "I won't follow you through, though."
Clearing my throat I gave Fergie a quick second to throw on the pants and walked him to the door. With a quick sigh, I closed my eyes and imagined where he needed to go. He needed to be with Molly. I did a similar thing with Fergie so why not again?
So as I opened the door and looked at the view, I gave a half smirk.
Molly was there... Brilliant.
With that I literally threw her boyfriend into the room and slammed the door behind him because, knowing me I would, otherwise I'd run in there and try to cuddle her which would only kill me.
It killed me to know that.
But with a rough sigh, I ran a hand through my hair and turned back to Johnny, tilting my head to the side to admire him.
He certainly did look delicious standing there in his boxers and shirt. I certainly could have done with him next to me once again...
But as my phone vibrated in my pocket, I checked it, frowning as I read what it was telling me. I had twelve missed calls and fifteen messages, all from Mom. Biting into my lip, I flicked through them.
They started off going from "School rung. Stop bunking and get back! Ed is more important than Johnny." to "Where are you? You're in trouble!" then to "
But then something in the end surprised me. It wasn't her threatening to call the police or anything like that, no... It was her saying that she spoke to my dad.
...he covered for me?
"Shit," I murmured, though not bitterly but more in disbelief. "I'll be right back."
I didn't feel as though I should have explained myself so without another word I went through, lazily using the doors to teleport down to the kitchen and what we deemed "The Notepad of News". It was what Mom wrote on to convey what she needed done...and sure enough it was her saying that she would be home late and Angie was having a sleepover around a friend's house...
Therefore Johnny and I had around three hours to ourselves...
Biting into my lip, I threw open the door and back into my room, shutting it gently behind me. Really just knowing that we would have a little while to ourselves really just made him more appealing. I was literally salivating as I saw him.
"So...what do you want to do now?" I murmured, walking towards him.
But my big brown eyes looking up to him, I may have let my hands brush against the front of his pants before they slipped under his shirt and rested on his abs. I didn't know what it was. Maybe passion was a slight painkiller or something.

Olly: Just watching her eat was enough to make me happy. She really liked it? It really wasn't as good as my aunt's but it definitely wasn't tasteless. I was just glad to know that she wasn't really bad at handling spice. If she was then that would have been terrible...
But as she asked about the bath, I gave her a small nod. Whatever she wanted, I was going to do my best to fulfil her wishes...
Apart from that.
Surely that would be the same as him...doing it with her. It wasn't giving me peace of mind. It wasn't really my body. It was his. It wasn't what I wanted to think about. It made me feel awkward, holding her, hugging her, kissing her, let alone...y'know-ing her.
"I'm not sure," I murmured, taking a hold of her hand, "Its not my body, as sexy as you're being."
But as I kissed the back of her hand and let her to the bathroom right at the back of the shoppe, I gave a sigh. If she didn't mind then...
"If you want me to join you, I can, though," I whispered.

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The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production) - Page 22 Empty Re: The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production)

Post by bookcrazI Wed Feb 06, 2013 1:32 am

I was nodding away to Jefferey when a familiar voice spoke. My heart clenched, like so tight I thought it would stop beating. It couldn't be...
I turned to be engulfed in comfortable arms and had my lips captured in a sweet kiss, his lips breathing life into mine.
I knew who it was.
I smiled and my arms wrapped around his middle tightly.
I let him ruin my lipstick.
I let him suck the air from my lungs.
I let him squeeze me.
It was perfect.
So when we finally pulled apart I was a bit out of breath, though grinning, my lipstick had smudged and my dress was a bit askew. Jefferey looked rather stunned, as stunned as I felt, but it quickly turned into tutting as he began to snap my appearance back into what it was before. That gave me time to drink in Fergie's image, no matter how disheveled it was.
He wore an ill fitting hoodie, that smelled strangely like Robin and was about a size too small so it showed off a strip of skin between the hem and the top of his too long pants.
His hair looked like he has taken a walk through a wind tunnel but his grin shone like a thousand suns. I like to think mine matched his.
"What took you so long? You missed like... everything." I muttered in mock disdain.
It wasn't soon before my smile turned into a bit of a frown.
We had less than ten minutes to make it to the banquet and Fergie was not at all ready. I snapped my fingers and his clothes wound themselves into a dark suit, and some nice shoes appeared on his feet. Grammy ready now.
Now I know what you're thinking, "She made him a suit out of thin air? And the shoes! Where did they come from? She must really be powerful!', but really that is not the case.
No matter how much I wanted it to be.
Manipulating fabric was one of the first things Lilith taught me.
I still had my handy Mary Poppins bag by my side to pull out material so that was an added perk as well. I was rather good at clothing others but it was more difficult to do the same trick with one's own clothing.
That was something for another time, another lesson perhaps.
All that mattered now was that Fergie was dressed and ready, as Jefferey had tended to his hair like the perfect butler he was, and I didn't have to miss him any more.
"Do you think the King would mind?" I asked quietly, directing the question to Jefferey.
The King's wandering eyes had set on me, I knew that, that was why I felt chills with him near me, having Fergie with me was another.... safety charm if you will.
I still felt a bit apprehensive though, what would happen if I just showed up with him, would that cause a stir? Would they, being the court, be okay with it? Would I have to come up with some sort of lie?
I grimaced, this blessing was causing me a few headache.
I shoved it all away and forced a grin.
"We're going to a banquet. Be on your best behavior. Don't speak that much and just agree with what I say.. I'll come up with something.. we can talk later.. I love you.." I murmured, kissing his cheek lightly.
I ached to do more but current circumstances would deem that... a bad idea.
So I pulled him forward while throwing glances at Jefferey, nervous.

Her hands were like spiders, in the best way possible.
Sending shivers up my spine and letting adrenaline out to play with my body. Though her hug and closeness was practically heaven to me, I needed to... keep it under control.
But her question.
Her damning open question that skipped off her plush lips; lips that signed at me to kiss them, to devour them.
It made my body scream in confusion.
In awkwardness.
Her quiet, stroking hands oh gods.
The moments of subtleties were over, the blood that was supposed to be in my brain had decided to migrate causing gentlemanly like answers to constrict my throat like a haphazard tie at a christian school.
Too tight.
"Honestly I want you. Right now. Here. But I don't want to hurt you.." I said, my voice getting a bit husky and hoarse.
I let my hands slither around her and pull her closer gingerly, still minding her bruises but letting her know about the problem she was causing downstairs. The fire department sirens were wailing in my head and all I could do was go " I know, I know, I'm working on it."
I was getting that dirty feeling in my mind, the one I usually blushed about but right now it was just reminding me about our first night. It was really rather too long to go without holding her. Without knowing her.
I felt as if I had been unacquainted to her body, I needed to meet it again. I needed to learn all about it again.
I looked at her through slightly glazed eyes.
Hoping she felt the same way.

I nodded and bit my lip.
I didn't know what came over me.
Maybe it was just the need to be close to the person I loved, even if it wasn't the body I loved. Just that familiar calm, that mindless high, that tight desire that I wanted. I wanted that womblike comfortableness, even if that didn't make any sense.
But I knew what he was saying.
It really wouldn't be... Olly.
"Could... Could you just hold me? I just... miss you.." I murmured, pulling on his collar lightly.
This act.
This girly, soft, weak act had the inner me scowling, but there was a lack of willingness to take it's place.
Had I been broken?
I had promised myself never to let that happen, never let me die.
Had this fake Olly done it? Had he broken me through my body, through my mind in a way being cooped up in my room never could? Could his games have been worse that my parent's oppression ever had been?
I didn't want Olly to get into my head to see this. I didn't want his pity.
But I yearned for his cooing and crooning and sweet nothings of how I did right, how strong I was, like a child yearns for the proud look from their parents.
I was too meek to ask for it.
I didn't want it but I did, antithesis was screwing up my mind.
I just wanted to forget I didn't want to be one of those "Poor me" people, I was better than that. I forced the thoughts away and looked at him, the nonface of my husband.
"I want to have your babies... when we're ready, not his.. never his. but.. I just... need you." I explained, or hope i explained, all of this was rather confusing.

Posts : 11681
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Location : Hell... there are so many screaming children here....

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The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production) - Page 22 Empty Re: The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production)

Post by OpenTheDoor Wed Feb 06, 2013 6:08 pm

Or maybe you should start calling her Sarah now Razz

Fergie: Oh god, it really was her. My mind still didn't seem to process it as the fireworks exploded in my head, sending me to another level entirely. Her plush lips, her sweet voice, her amazing scent, it was enough to half convince me that it was her. For too long she had been taken away from me. For too long I hadn't had a chance to hold her hand or to touch her skin. If it was possible then I would have picked her up and thrown her on the bed to lay claim to her but... Well, she mentioned a banquet, didn't she?
"I love you too," I whispered, taking claim of her lips again, "And of course, whatever you say."
I was just happy for two reasons: Molly and food. A banquet... That meant food, right?
It seemed that I had timed everything perfectly!
"I should think that the King would be okay with it. In all honesty I think that perhaps he was expecting more guests of yours to come..."
I raised a brow at the butler, a little confused as to what he had said.
"Master Ferguson, you have yet to meet the King. Similarly to Lady Black he is a Guardian, therefore he has a level of magic similar to Molly's. However...he has eyes and ears everywhere... Shall we just say that he is ahead of some of the events at the moment..."
If he thought that he was clearing things up he was sadly mistaken. But my want to delve deeper into the meaning behind his words were cut off by a brisk knock at the door, one that seemed well-practiced and purposeful. Squeezing a little on Molly's hand, I briefly let my eyes flicker to hers, trying to read what she was thinking. In all honesty, I was still slightly stunned that she was there, beside me, looking so stunning. And I couldn't believe that I had a fancy-ass suit on instead of the donated clothes of my rescue team.
But as Jeffrey answered the door and I draped an arm around my girlfriend's waist, I watched the steward standing there raised a brow.
"His Majesty informed me that another would be arriving. I take it as this is the said man?"
Jeffrey simply nodded, putting his arm out as if he was presenting me, "This is Master Ferguson, Lady Black's...partner."
That seemed like a fair word to pick, if I was honest.
"I shall inform His Majesty of your arrival, Sir. If you would like to follow me, I shall lead you to him."
So with a small nod of thanks to him, I bit into my lip to stop myself from saying anything smart-ass-ish.

Robin: I bit into my lip, my mind a little past reasoning. Him pulling me closer to him, feeling his scorching body against mine, it was far more than enough to make my mind spin.
But there it was, under his touch where one of my largest bruise laid, stained on my skin. Yes, it hurt a little but... Well, I had endured worse. I was confident about that. And I was more than capable of shrugging it off. I was a master at hiding scars which people were ripping open, though of course those were only the damage to my emotions from my past, never physical.
I didn't know. I was confused. I just didn't want to start what I couldn't allow him to finish. I didn't want to get him all riled up and then only deny him the final pleasure at the end. I wanted him to take me, I wanted him right there with me, holding me, caressing me, making me feel like the fairytale goddess like he made me feel the last time...but would I be up to it?
I gave a shallow breath and looked back up to him, finally making my decision, "I don't just want you, I need you. If we take it slow and gentle...and if we dim the lights a little..."
I didn't want him seeing the bruises which hid under my clothes, the massive scratches and gashes which showed just how much torment I was going through alone. In all honesty, I didn't want him seeing them but... Well, in low light I sure that it wouldn't be a problem.
And the way that he looked at me. The passion and want that were blatant behind his stare. I gently cupped his cheek, trying on a little cocky smile just to see how he would react. But inside of me, the anticipation was beginning to get a bit unbearable though the nerves as to how successful my chances were of getting to the final scream was trying to calm it down. If he was asking me if I wanted him too then surely he knew that I did, with every aching muscle in my body, I did.

Olly: I swallowed hard as she spoke, that being enough to make something below stir. Those sweet and innocent eyes... She needed someone to make things all better for her. She needed some sort of distraction. She needed to feel loved. She wasn't the same sort of woman which I was forced to leave behind last time. She was...weaker. She had lost her spirit, it seemed. She needed that rekindling and if that was my job then I was going to have to do just that.
But maybe I was just trying to convince myself into taking my wife in the tub. In normal circumstances I would have pinned her to the floor already by then but...
Well, there were provisions against that, wasn't there?
I sighed, soaking in the smell of her hair. Even without bathing for days she smelt far better than most did. She had some sort of natural, musky, wooden scent attached to her.
"Oh what am I saying?" I murmured mostly to myself, "Come on."
With that, I quickly swept her off of her feet, wrapping her legs gently around my waist in the quickest way to lift her and carried her towards the tub which laid waiting. Kicking the door shut behind me, I placed her gently down on the seat which sat in the corner, my hands quickly making their way to the zip down the side of her dress.

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The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production) - Page 22 Empty Re: The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production)

Post by bookcrazI Wed Feb 06, 2013 10:10 pm

I frowned. The king had magic too? He was a guardian too?
That was news to me.
I really should have know it, being near him sent chills down my spine, it must have just been my body reacting to his magic. It made a bit more sense now, though I felt a bit more awkward, him seeming to know the future, to know that Fergie was going to join me before I did.
His hand in mine brought my mind back into the world, he squeezed it such a way that I felt my heart clench in return.
There was a knock on the door that drew my attention from my own girlish fantasies and the addition of Fergie's arm made my spine straighten in courage. The steward who was thrown into the situation looked rather confused, but still like he was expecting what he saw.
Jefferey's cool response helped ease in my smile, and professional tilt of my head to acknowledge him. I practiced this with Jefferey on the trip to the castle, it was a polite way to say 'I see you, and I'm being friendly, but I have a higher status'. All of the obscure little gestures and body language that the nobles had was like a different language, one that I was struggling to understand.
The King wanted to meet Fergie?
I sent a panicked glance to Jefferey and subconsciously leaned into Fergie a bit more. This was either going to go really well or really badly, and at this point each option held equal weight in my mind.
Fergie just happened to be a smart ass sometimes.
I turned to him and grabbed his face so he was looking me in the eye.
"Do not be a smart ass. Keep your comments to yourself. Got it?" I whispered to him vehemently, hoping it would get through to him.
I turned and and slipped behind him, pushing him forward, really not want to let go of him but knowing I had to.
"Well... Partner, you better see the king. One never lets a king wait." I said louder.
Hoping, that was what I was doing as Fergie began to stroll after the steward.
I turned to Jefferey, "Would it be consider strange if we stalked them?"

I started to kiss her gently, nodding as she murmured her acceptance, shuffling us to the light to dim it. I didn't bother arguing with her, she was beautiful and I knew that, if she wasn't comfortable yet then I could make her feel beautiful.
I gently slipped my hands under the hem of her shirt as our tongues danced and began to pull it up. I know she said slow, but I was in an inferno from her, I could still be gentle.
I abandoned her shirt after a moment and began to back up to her bed, pulling her with me by just the connection of our lips.
When I felt the mattress bump against my calves I sat down, wrapping my arms softly around her hips, hoping that she didn't have many bruises there. I tried my best to be as soft as velvet and as gentle as a stream as I trailed my kisses down to her neck, tasting her unique flavor. My favorite.

His hands were gentle, his demeanor like a calm lake.
No matter how quickly he had swooped me up or how quickly he undressed me, I still felt his carefulness in handling me, I felt a bit like a child.
I dutifully stepped out of my dress as it slipped down my shoulders and I looked at him with waiting eyes.
The bath let a bit of steam rise to the ceiling and I bit my lip, it looked wonderful. I glanced back at him and looked down at my body, the thin linen underwear doing little to hide the abuses that covered my body. I grimaced, I had forgot about those.
I let my arms drape across my skin and I looked up at him then nodded to the tub, trying to let him know that I wasn't really comfortable standing there, exposed.
The normal me would have stripped and stood there in all my glory, hell, I probably would have given him a little strip tease. We wouldn't have made it to the tub. That would have been for a bit of afterglow soaking.
All I wanted to be was that girl. Maybe when my skin wasn't a rainbow.
Maybe when it was black and white again.

Posts : 11681
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Location : Hell... there are so many screaming children here....

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The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production) - Page 22 Empty Re: The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production)

Post by OpenTheDoor Sat Feb 09, 2013 6:08 pm

Fergie: My brows raised as the guy seemed to walk out of the room to let us soak in the information a little better. Well, Molly seemed to be a bit wary about it... Or maybe she was more concerned about getting myself banished in the end? That was probably more likely.
"Don't worry. I'm on my best behaviour."
Gently, I pressed a quick kiss to the top of her head and let go of her hand. I thought that I could have done that easily but I was having trouble leaving her. So soon after seeing her again I was getting pulled away without a choice. We couldn't have had two minutes alone, just to talk and catch up and to check if everything was okay. I hadn't stopped thinking about her and the baby, not only about their health but just general constant worry.
Though I wasn't going to admit it, I had to thank Robin and her dad slightly. They gave me a chance to realise and soak in the situation. I probably couldn't have done that in the real world. Neverland gave me the room to breathe.
But then again, they ripped me apart from the one love of my life, the pregnant-with-my-child love of my life. That wasn't exactly the best thing to do.
Within a few moments of leaving the room, the grumpy steward led me towards what seemed to be an office, one with a door that was wide open. Of course, I frowned, though obediently stepping through behind him. And surely enough, a guy wearing crown was standing there, back to me and admiring the dark view beyond him -- the King.
"Ah! Sir Ferguson, I take it?"
He turned on his heels before I could speak. Man, the guy was young, maybe just a few years older than I -- physically -- was. But still, he held himself well and his eyes held a calm blue demeanor about them. He couldn't have been so bad. But then again, despite all of that and his calm smile, there seemed to be something a, about him. I didn't know. He gave off something that made me a little wary of him.
"You requested my presence, Your Majesty," I bowed.
I hated that. I didn't want to stand on ceremony and I wished that he had turned around and said that too, but no, he just let me rise after a moment with a wave of his hand. He thought that he was a nice king? I saw that smirk on his face.
"Yes, however the banquet is due to start soon so I shan't digress. I have come to understand that Lady Black is 'with child'..."
...what did he say?
Inside, I cringed as he spoke. He knew that? How? Was he spying? Did he read minds? Jeffrey had said that he was magical... But that couldn't mean that he could know, right?
I know that I didn't really like the guy before but... Well, he was starting to get worse.
"Now this is a difficult circumstance as the child will be extremely young when the war truly begins. There is a reason why today was selected to change the Guardian. It is a year today when the war shall start."
And there was a war? He knew when our kid was going to be born? I wouldn't have been surprised if he knew the gender either, he seemed to have known everything else!
"I shall just say now, there is no use in hiding it. I know. Though despite that, the rest of the people do not know and I suggest that we keep that under wraps. We do not want this child being a target for attack now, do we?"
Well...of course not. But was that really going to happen? If people knew that Molly was pregnant? And anyway, who was this war against?!
I was left with so many questions in my head that I couldn't ask or have answered by anyone else. I thought that meeting Molly again would have been the most simplest thing in the world but it so quickly became impossibly confusing.
"That is all I have to say. I ask that yourself and Lady Black make your ways to the banquet. I shall meet you again in just a moment."
With a quick bow to him I turned on my heels without saying a word. At least I obeyed Molly's words and wasn't a smart-ass. I was rather too busy at trying to work everything out. It wasn't necessarily a simple situation, was it?
But just as I reached the door and the steward began to lead me back towards the room, something managed to grab my attention. I stopped, bending over to tie up my shoelace. Yes...that King was talking, surely to himself, but... I swore that I could have heard another voice. A woman's voice, perhaps...
"A lot can happen in a all of the six selected shall find out."
"I should think that we will all find out, Rhys. This is a rather great dilemma. We shall talk later, however. I have people to talk to and you have others to address--"
"Wait! Give me the next reading! Please. I need to know what will happen next!"
"Another time, Rhys. Just call me if you need me. But for now, I shall leave you with a reminder. Do not under any circumstances let this girl talk to--"
I jumped up as the steward raised a brow at me, questioning what I was doing with a stare. Of course he must have known but... I needed to find out about that. They were talking about Molly!...probably. And perhaps I was spending a little bit too much time tying a shoelace.
So before the sentence was complete, I began the walk back to the room and waited outside as the steward went in to fetch my 'partner'.

Jeffrey raised a brow at her as soon as she turned around. He knew what she was going to say even before those words had even passed her lips. She was predictable and wearing that sly glint in her eye as she looked up to him.
And how else was he going to reply other than with a nod?
"I would consider it strange if you didn't want to follow, Miss Mol-- Excuse me, Lady Black."
He would have to start getting used to that...and calling Fergie 'Sir Ferguson', perhaps. He would have to discuss it in his terms and have his contract readjusted accordingly. It would have had to wait for later. They were already sneaking out of the door and made their way to the King's office...

Robin: Dutifully, my body followed his, obeying and bending under every movement of his, letting him guide me as to how I should react. I wouldn't have had it any other way.
My lips left his for a moment, my eyes looking deep into his, just letting him quickly know that I was alright. And just watching him take a seat on my quickly-made bed, the tenting of his pants, it was enough to make my mind go into overdrive as I sat over him, my hand searching his chest, letting him pull me closer to him. A small moan escaped my lips as his kisses caressed my skin, the poor battered and bruised skin. I couldn't help but reveal more of it to him, forgetting about the marks which normally would have put any guy off.
But despite his speed and determination, he was still as gentle as anything. I felt no other pain than the ache of want in my gut. I peeled back from him, just for a moment, just giving me enough time to throw off my shirt which Johnny had so much trouble with before. A small shiver ran up my spine as I knelt there, slightly open and vulnerable only to him, my black and blue showing up against the pale of my skin. I bit into my lip slightly, a little more than anxious about it. Would he really have not minded?
But my lips didn't really give him any time to react to it, finding their place back on his, trying to gently reassure myself that everything was alright. I needed that more than anything, more than I realised, his touch and the way that he made me forget about the world and the situations I was in. That wasn't such a bad thing, was it?

Olly: It took me a few seconds to work out what that look of hers meant.
"Oh! S-sorry."
Immediately I took a hold of her hand, leading her towards the steaming bath water. It smelt delicious, almost as much as my wife was, though I couldn't really stop thinking about the bruises and marks on her skin.
What had happened? I didn't know how that could have happened. It looked like she had been in a fight with a pack of wolves with a huge craving for elf meat and she had to fight them off to live. And that all happened in her home? Our home?...
The list of reasons for getting revenge on Timothy was just getting longer and longer.
But I gave a sigh as I help her into the tub, letting her feet first get used to the temperature. My hands dipped to reach the hem of her petticoat slip, gently lifting it over her head to help her out of it. She seemed so...fragile, though I hated to admit it. I wasn't used to having to look after her so. She was usually the one telling me what to do, but I wouldn't have had it any other way.
And once she was naked, I gave back my hand to help lower herself into the water. Upon the surface, a mixture of herbs and leaves lay upon it, an infusion that should have helped to speed up the healing process for her wounds. If I remembered correctly then she needed to soak in there for a good fifteen minutes.
"Are you okay?" I murmured, soaking the side of her face, "Not too hot, not too cold...?"
Yes, I was mothering her. That only showed how much I cared, though. I was used to looking after girls when they needed it the most. I had two younger sisters, right? Robin was often facing days where she couldn't be bothered with the world and it was down to me as her older brother to sort everything out. I only wanted to see them when they were smiling. And I wasn't going to be happy again until Lila was her confident and feisty self again.

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The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production) - Page 22 Empty Re: The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production)

Post by bookcrazI Sun Feb 10, 2013 3:54 pm

I looked towards the door when I heard footsteps, pausing mid-sentence to furrow my brows. I was just about to tell Jefferey that he could call me whatever he wanted when we were alone, even if there were people there, I didn't care, when I felt the real wave of fear hit me.
I had just gotten Fergie back, I hadn't even had enough time to celebrate his arrival, if he had opened his mouth and got himself banished I would never forgive him. If he was just banished for no reason there would be hell to pay, I didn't really care who, even if it was the king himself.
Though getting revenge would be a bit difficult consider he could have me beheaded or something else as nasty, but being an annoying naggy, mopey girl would probably be enough. I was very good at being that annoying chick that just drove everyone up the wall with a lack of actual care in anything she said.
That was one of my tricks to help Robin out of bad situations, like dates or awkward encounters. Throw a little bit of a hormonal teen at them and you're good to go, though now I had to be a bit more careful.
Scratch that plan.
I had to be an adult, a lady.
I was the Guardian of the North, I had duties and jobs and people depending on me, though I didn't even know the who what when how yet.
So when the door started to open and it was Fergie, I practically threw myself at him in a hug; I was really glad he wasn't banished.
When I did disentangle myself from him I realized the strange thoughtful expression on his face that had a dash of panic. It was too late to ask him about it because the steward and Jefferey already had us striding our way to the banquet.
We entered to trumpets and stares, flustering me so much I almost forgot to smile, though I quickly remembered and pulled a muscle on my haste to correct my face.
A nod here and there and the never ending smiling nearly had me exhausted before we reached our seats near the king. I glanced up to see and strained smile on Fergie's lips and I bit back the instinct to kiss it. We were back together with no real reunion, it was all so sudden.
One minute I was thanking Jefferey for doing my hair and pulling at my dress and the next I was kissing Fergie a hello, then he was taken from me for an audience with the King and then we were waving at a crowd like Bradgelina.
If the run-on sentence didn't convey the rushed mood then this sentence should; THE WHOLE DAMN THING WAS RUSHED.
We sat down and barely had breathing time before waiters started flouncing into the room to shove plates under our noses. Glasses of wine was poured, seats pushed in, napkins thrown upon our laps and I was left to sit with wide deer in the headlight eyes while trying to capture it all.

Sure, the light made it harder to see but there was no mistaking the darker patches of her skin that were like muted rainbows.
Sure, it enraged me to no end that she just dealt with these and suffered in silence, more or less.
I made up for it by kissing every bruise, gently of course, letting her know that I saw them but they didn't really change anything. She was still beautiful, still a goddess in my eyes. There was little time, or air, left for confessions of love or Shakespearean vows of devotion, but I hoped my hands and lips spoke in their own way for her.
The way her body responded I could only assume she got the message. The path my lips made was always a round trip; visiting her neck and collar bone, taking a quick excursion to her breasts and then trekking back up to the wonderful home of her lips that welcomed me with divine and exotic tastes. Each little destination brought me into a new world of adoration, enough so that I invited my hands on the next trip. They eventually went on their own little vacation down to her jeans and they stayed there for quite a while, getting to know the locale.
Her body was a delicious island paradise of which I was the lowly tourist, set to explore and conquer. I knew that the island would always be wild and untamed, my claim to the grounds only that in words, but the pleasure of resting on her sandy beaches and bathing in her sparkling waters was more than enough for me.
I leaned back, taking my hostage of desire with me, onto the bed and began to get more serious of staking my claim on the land. I traveled down to her southern isles and gingerly disposed of her blue jean seas, spending a moment to taste her white mountain thighs before dragging my lips home. Even with my lips firmly captured in the cavern of her mouth my hands stayed down in her tropical lands, spelunking, in the sexiest use of the word, in her secret cave.
Now when I say this it sounds poetic and erotic, but in the simple use of the english language I can say, in a barbaric harsh sounding way, that all I did was pull of her pants and then finger her.
That's much less romantic, much less caring, and that holds none of the true passion that we had there.
In all honesty, we were simply fast forwarding the foreplay, or I was at least, before we engaged in sex. Plain, simple, and lacking in metaphors.
Though I couldn't deny the fact that my erection was getting painfully ready and her moaning was inviting enough to encourage me to pack my bags and move in. I laced my fingers with hers, my free hand at least, and kissed her sweetly, nuzzling her neck gently to get her attention, her signal that she was ready for landing. Her eyes flashed and it was enough for me, our silent language becoming frantic and desperate.
So it was then when I decided to develop her land, parking my machinery in her mines and exulting in the utter euphoria I felt in the prospect.

I nodded to his questions and let out a sigh as the heavenly waters warmed the cockles of my heart, soothing the pain that I forgot I was feeling. Olly's tenderness was a giant add on to the whole thing, sending me to utter calm.
I nuzzled his hand and let out a small smile, feeling the water strengthen my bones.
"Perfect.. Thanks," I murmured, that was until I found a rather large thing missing in the tub.
Yes, I knew it wasn't the body of my Olly, only the mind and mannerisms, but I was feeling a distinct lack of cuddling, of that warm strength that curled around my body that kindled the fire.
I pulled on his hand lightly, looking at him.
I didn't want to push him.
I didn't want to make him do something her didn't want to.
We did go through this before though.
I felt weak and I wanted to forget it.

So this.. is a rather sexual post...

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The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production) - Page 22 Empty Re: The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production)

Post by OpenTheDoor Sun Feb 10, 2013 6:33 pm

Just a little bit. I was going to say that it was beautiful poetic (so kudos to you)...then he became so blunt Razz

Fergie: I could only give her a quick peck on the cheek before we were pulled away. It really wasn't fair. I really wanted to at least get to second base with her before the banquet!...but no. Jeffrey was busy trying to pull me away from her and to the large hall.
And it seemed that everyone was waiting for us. A good few hundred were gathered around large tables, waiters and servants poised to the sides ready for their cues to dish out the food. But obviously they had to wait for the main attraction first.
The people cheered as we entered, their eyes soaking in the newcomer that was holding their new Guardian's hand. It seemed that the King had told them, however, of my appearance as none of them were pointing arrows or wands at me to try and get me away from their new savoir. It took far too long to get to our places. Too many people were calling her name and celebrating her arrival. I truly felt as though I was only there for the ride.
But honestly, I didn't mind. If she was the magical world celebrity I was more than happy with being the boy-toy boyfriend.
But our places...he was sitting next to her. Yes, I was on the other side and sitting next to a nice old lady who seemed to be enthralled with the colour of my hair. Under the table, I gently took a hold of her hand, hoping that it was good start to try and calm her down. Stress wasn't good for the baby, was it? And all of that probably was a lot to take it all at once.
But as I discretely leant over as everyone began to tuck into their food, I knew that the King was watching us. His stare delved into the back of my head, almost as if he was suspecting me of planning treason upon him. He made me uncomfortable. It was just...strange.
"He knows," I murmured into her ear, squeezing her hand a little more tightly, "The baby."
I didn't really want to stress her out more but I thought that it would have better come out of my mouth rather than his. At least that way she could have scrambled and asked questions at me rather than having to hear the King's speech about it all.
"But he isn't telling anyone. I'll tell you more in a bit."
And with that my attention was drawn back to the massive array of food in front of us on the table. From whole roast hogs to twelve bird roasts, everything that you could possibly want was laid out. And with each thing my eyes ate up, my mouth began to salivate just a little more.
"Countrymen!" the King called out, just as everyone was poised to dive in, "Feast on these goods! Enjoy yourselves! It is time to live and to celebrate the best of moments!"

Robin: Every kiss only made me relax, relax into him and begin to forget the world around me. No longer were we in my untidy bedroom in the middle of the American city; we were exploring our passions on the brink of infinity, by the beach side with sand in between our curling toes, ready to take a dip into the unknown.
He pulled me forward, pulling us closer together, taking everything so quickly yet so gently. Everything was filled with care despite the lust in his eyes and his boxers. Even as he slipped my jeans away from me, tossing them over to the other side of the room, I knew that he was only thinking of my wellbeing, pleasing himself by pleasing me. And all I could do was pray to whoever was up there that I could hold myself together.
Though it was proving difficult as his hand explored a new depth.
My body shuddered, every part of me falling into the abyss that was our moment, untouched places finding their use. My mind span, my lip quivering with every single one of his strokes, each one sending me deeper and deeper into my bliss from which I never wanted to rise again in my life. So many times his name slipped off of my tongue between moans and rapidly pacing breaths but I was too far gone to realise each one. The nerves had drifted away, left behind in the stormy depths of reality which I was so glad to leave behind in my wake. All I could do was rock into him, riding the waves as his fingers danced below at my seabed, stirring up the stormy sea and making the coast of my ocean far more than prepared for him to dock.
I wasn't going to let him go. He was mine. I was his. He could have me whenever he wanted. He could do whatever he wanted with me, just as long as he made me feel that way every time.
I was desperate for more. I couldn’t stop myself from squirming, knowing what was coming next. I could see it there, lying in wait, impatiently seeking its turn to explore my body once again. So with a small glance to him, I knew that it was coming.
And my eyes dived into his, small murmurs of approval yet again falling from my lips the second that our bodies met once again. My back arched into his, trying to soak up every moment that it could, my knees wrapping tightly around him to send both him and I deeper. My lips grabbed his, trying to quieten them down for a moment. Even without the foreplay I was so addicted to him. He made me so hot, so needy for his skin to be against mine. And with each stroke I was falling further away.

Olly: My brow raised slightly at her, watching as she not-so-subtly signalled for me to join her in the tub. Her eyes, those weak and feeble eyes... She needed comfort.
Well, it was my duty to do as she said, wasn't it?
Without a word, I rose to my feet, quickly whipping off my jumper and jeans, throwing them to the side carelessly and only focusing on the naked woman in the tub. Yes, it sounded bad, her hardly being in the right mental state for anything, but...
Well, she was my wife.
Quickly, I hopped into the tub, being careful not to press into any of her marks or bruises upon her skin. The woody scent of the herbs filled my nostrils, my toes tingling by the magical infusion. I gave a sigh, relaxing immediately.
But there, stained onto my skin, was a mark, one that not even Molly's illusion could hide. Over my heart, a web of black tendrils tended to my skin, wrapping furiously over it. At times I swore that I recognised the pattern, that I had seen it before, and trust me, I had spent a long time trying to look it up.
It had just completely forgotten about it until then.
And as I peered down to it, I frowned, running a finger over it. But under my touch, the marks seemed to squirm, reacting to my fingertip as if it was a magnet. Yes, it had done it before but...
Well, it wasn't a normal tattoo, was it?

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The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production) - Page 22 Empty Re: The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production)

Post by bookcrazI Wed Feb 13, 2013 12:42 am

Idk.. I think I got really lost in my metaphors and forgot what I was talking about and had to clarify it for myself. Plus I kind think that's the character Johnny's become, a true romantic at heart but is also one to look at things in the purest view possible, then deny the bad points.

So as I poked my pheasant with a mild grimace, I'd stick with chicken thank you, Fergie decided to drop a lovely bomb in the middle of my mashed potatoes.
I halted breathing and my head slowly turned to the king, The Shining style, and stared at him for a moment in utter awe and confusion. Was I that obvious? Was it magic?
Luckily my wide eyed staring session was just in time for his little jolly shout to begin the meal and my eyes were on the right destination, though they lingered for a moment. My mind raced. Was he going to use it against us? Would he use it like black mail?
I panicked and squeezed Fergie's hand tighter, looking at him worriedly, my hand travelling to my belly out of pure instinct. Fergie seemed a bit too interested in the variety of roasted meats to actually pay attention to my gulping fish face, I had gone from panic to rage in a matter of seconds. How dare the king know about my baby and tell the father of the child but not the mother! I deserved to know that he knew first, I mean, I was the one with the thing growing inside me, I was the child cultivator, Fergie was simply the vector that impregnated me.
Okay, maybe a little bit of an over reaction, but it still fueled my general dislike for the king.

I sucked in her unique taste, letting it pop my brain cells like party balloons and send me into a high that could only be achieved with helium and weed. Our ships rocked with the storm and and earthquake hit my hips, forcing them to race horse speeds as I let my body fill with readiness like mentos in a coke bottle. I waited for that chemical reaction that we could share, the one that would cause us to shoot off.
My landing gears were most definitely stowed and with each connection, I felt the flight gears be switched on.
I gasped out her name like a mantra, praising my goddess that led me to enlightenment. I devoured her taste, my tongue grabbing at her skin greedily and snatching away the morsels of flavor that sent shivers down my spine like race cars.
I grimaced in the pressure that built itself into my flaming desire for her, the mentos' chain reaction finally pressuring the cap of the coke bottle. I kissed her deeply, my tongue daring to tango and tangle with hers.

My hand went to his chest, timidly travelling to the darkened spot, concerned beyond belief. That had to be the hex mark.
My body didn't want to think now though, no matter how much I felt like I had to voice my concern the feeling of his now wet body was distracting. Incredibly disracting.
Like the feeling of how his skin held just a little more traction that usual, how it pulled lightly on mine, how it stimulated my sensitive skin as he slipped into a more comfortable position in the tiny tub.
Soon I was resting on his chest, panting lightly to the intimate touching and the carnal desire that hid in the depths of the murky tub water. It hid how I shifted to straddle him, it didn't hide how my arms wrapped around his neck, unsure whether to continue or to just hold on tightly.
Hold onto my anchor.

Hey.. Uh.. could you.. Proof read something for me? I am part of my school's poetry slam team and.. I have piece that I'm working on but I'd like another opinion, would you mind?

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The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production) - Page 22 Empty Re: The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production)

Post by OpenTheDoor Wed Feb 13, 2013 5:37 pm

Anyway, I'd agree with that. Johnny does seem a bit of a sweetheart (mostly to (Robin) underneath but is generally quite hardy on the outside... He rides a motorbike, for God's sake.
And of course I can! But I'm a little more used to proof-reading novels and chapters rather than poems...but I'll have a go!

Fergie: ...or maybe I should have left it for after the meal.
It was easy to tell what she was thinking. She wanted to know how. She wanted to know why I knew first instead of her. I knew that girl better than anyone would think. Those flaring nostrils, the tightened grip on my hand...
I was just going to have to make sure that she would behave herself for the rest of the evening.
But the meal didn't seem to be too unpleasant. There was a lot of conversation about things which I was expected to understand but didn't actually have a clue about. It was a lot about current affairs -- bearing in mind I had been stuck in Neverland for days with no communication with the outside world. I just tried to nod and agree with people as much as possible whilst eating the amazing-tasting ham, trying not to seem as though I hadn't eaten properly in days.
In truth, I had eaten, just not...well. There was only so much I could take of the berries, the ones which I could remember weren't poisonous which wasn't very many. And I didn't mean to be a little impolite.
If they knew I was sure that they would have understood.

Robin: I squirmed beneath him, feeling his strokes get faster, more desperate, feeling that he was soon going to reach that wanted moment of ecstasy. I knew that I wasn't very far behind him either, his dancing lips, his sexy little grunts, his quaking body, everything only making my world rock a little harder. I was forcing myself to bite into my lip, the storm we were creating getting rougher and harsher with every moment, and I was falling further away, further into the pits of desire that he was making me feel.
But I couldn't watch him for long for those emotions within me were building up, just daring to touch the peak of the wave. My lips locked onto his wantingly, my nails scrapping and digging into his back, ignoring the burn in every single muscle of mine which warned me to be careful. As if I ever listened to my reason the best of occasions, let alone when common sense was so insignificant.
And with one last call of his name, I reached there. A long throaty gasp caught in my throat, one that was muffled my the connection of our lips. My mind span, my back arched into him as the sea finally calmed, the bright sunshine lighting up the way to the paradise isles.

Olly: Her delicate touch, those big innocent eyes... Though I didn't think it was initially meant to do that, watching as her body crept closer to me, it was enough to make my heart beat thrice as fast.
But then her mind spoke.
A hex mark? That didn't sound too good.
My lips began to make the formation of a question, but it got halted. It seemed that the blood flow heading to a new place rather than my brain. My sense of asking what was the matter with what I was forced to take had been replaced by the feeling of her inner thighs slipping around my legs.
"Y-yes?" I stammered, trying to keep my cool.
But that wasn't happening very well. I knew that under the surface of the water, my unfamiliar body was getting a little...excited about having a searingly hot naked woman on top of it, mere inches away from it.
And that naked woman was my wife.
I swallowed, trying to moisten my very dry and husky-sounding throat. My eyes were trying their hardest to look her in the eye and not slip their focus down to her sumptuous chest, one which I so badly wanted to make my mark on.
It had been too long since I had last had her, felt her skin brushed against mine, had her lips strong against mine in an embrace of lust and love... My hands had decided to take their rightful place on her hips, holding her rather close to me, the damning animalistic instincts of having her there making my serious thoughts drain out of my brain and down the plughole at the base of the bath.
It wasn't fair. She was too damn sexy.

Also, I'm going to be on holiday for a few days for a long weekend. Be back Tuesday. Sorry :/

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The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production) - Page 22 Empty Re: The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production)

Post by bookcrazI Mon Feb 18, 2013 1:01 am

No problem- I'll email you the poem Smile

I'm pretty sure that at point I just blocked everything out to think, nodding in response to questions and talking when I had to, being otherwise rather silent, but polite. In my head I was running, sprinting between possibilities and ideas, wondering what, why, and how everything was happening.
The King knew of my...little issue. He had told Fergie that he knew, but not me. He did not intend to use it as blackmail, or so he said.
Something seemed off.
I flew back to my training with Lilith, it was almost unreal that it was barely two months ago, it was insane to me that I had been thrown into the spot I was in now, I would have never guessed this on that day when I signed up.
Never in my wildest dreams, though, those usually had giant flying fish and talking squirrels and I kind of hoped those wouldn't actually be translated into real life.
Lilith taught me to question everyone's motives, that's what brought me back, the fact that she was right, you couldn't trust anyone. At the time I was confused, unsure of the inane mutterings of an old woman.
Now I saw the light, as cheesey as it sounded.
That propelled my actions for the night, I had to get away from the taint of the court, and of the truths I would be omitted from, simply by being present. I needed sleep, I needed comfort, and being careful and on guard at all times did very little to aid in those needs.
I stood as the desserts were being taken away, knowing that Fergie would of hated to miss them. I barely touched mine, shoving it to Fergie once he was done devouring his, flashing a cute smile to deter him from asking questions.
As I said, I stood as the desserts were swept away, just as the King announced the nightly entertainment, to which I excused myself with smiles and the comment of exhaustion. Everyone nodded sympathetically. I had hoped to simply slip away but that plan seemed a bit harder to execute with the knights, my guards on the trip over, decided now was the best time to have a little chat.
With the warmth of wine in their bellies they seemed much more friendly than the days I struggled for smiles from them, but they still held the shyness tightly, wine or not. They did, however, seem rather suspicious of Fergie, maybe a bit jealous, to whit I felt a bit full of myself, and made it a point to flash me smiles and share little inside jokes that they knew he wouldn't get.
With a glance to Fergie, it was obvious he was getting a bit miffed. His arm had slithered around me and his jaw was clenched a bit, perhaps the green eyed monster was more of a virus. Before he could open his mouth and get all smart ass like I stepped forward, my actions before being only small laughs and nods and very little actually conversation. I bid them all good nights and matched it with my sweetest smile, which sent them off, blushing.
Before Fergie could grumble I pulled him back to our room, having already memorized the way on the trip there. I just wanted to lay down. To cuddle. To be a weakling.
When we got to our room, minus Jefferey though I was pretty sure he knew to give us a little space, I started attacking my hair and zipper. Undressing myself until I was in my underwear and comfortable, then I flung myself to the bed with a huff.
"Think, of what you have to say, over very carefully. Now if you think it won't ruin this moment then continue. If it will, shut up and hold me. I missed you." I stated, rising up to my elbows to look at him.

Her little sighs of my name were probably what got me, or maybe it was the ecstasy in her clenching muscles, or perhaps the way her body fit to mine like the stylus in a DS. It really didn't matter.
Within moments of her whispery gasp of my name her body arched and I was dragged into her hypnotic moan, her body of illusion. I continued to move throughout my climax, knowing that she would feel the intensity through all the dimensions she was transcending in her high. It was only minutes after when we relaxed, when I stopped moving and just held my place over her, panting and nuzzling her neck before slipping out and to her side to cuddle. To hold her, to make sure that she was still okay and not sore nor in pain, to make sure that I had done all I could to make her feel as good as I felt.
The closeness was akin to enlightenment.
It was most definitely better than meditation.
It was being safe and on fire at the same time to create a feeling that was, at the time, only comparable to the thought of a bacon covered scallop that cooked in an oven.
Precious moments of mutters, of nuzzles, of caresses, held us tight to our little secret dome known only to us. Well, that was until the clicking of a lock and the yell of; "Robin?! Are you home?"
I paled.
My pants were off with Fergie and I was tangled with Robin, not to mention rather naked and sweaty, with precious little time to change any of that.
Yay to awkward situations.

At the feeling of his large hands grasping my hips I licked my lips, copying a motion he did often, or his old body did. I could feel him stir under the bath water, feel him brush against me in an almost beckoning manner.
It cut off my breath for a moment and I could only look at his face.
Just his eyes.
His eyes were the chocolate brown of Olly, they held the eager anticipation I knew well, not to mention the awkward shyness that made me giggle. I was pressed so close to him, my breasts resting on his bare chest, pushing against him with each soft breath and being pushed back with each of his.
My hands walked up the base of his neck and played with the soft hair at the nape of his neck curiously and my lips parted.
Kiss me....
I thought to him gently, asking him timidly.
I felt his chest compress as he let out a breath, something that slipped my body even further down his thighs until I rested on him, skin on skin, feeling his length stir.
I bit my lip.

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