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» The Amazing Brain
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The Amazing Brain

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The Amazing Brain Empty The Amazing Brain

Post by Avery Wed Apr 09, 2014 12:49 pm

You're finally living the life that you've always wanted. A college student. The parties, the booze, the hot girls, the hot guys. It's your years of experimentation and individuality. You're finally on the path to success and you know that now, you'll be able to make it big. Things are a breeze! WAIT! Who're you kidding? It sucks. The fees feel like they're suffocating you, you barely have as many friends as letters in your name, and you're falling behind.

Then, you find it.

A poster of one of the cork boards at school. You read over it quickly, not really interested. But then you see it. Free board for a year. A whole year! It's nearly too good to be true. You instantly grab your cellphone and then stop, rethinking what might happen if you call. The college has good enough credentials and if there was some sort of creep running around the campus, you'd probably heard of it by now. You rip the posted off and bring it up to your room.

After what seems like a long time, you finally call and sign up. They tell you that they'll call back in a few hours. You anxiously wait in your room for the call and finally you get it. You're in the program and no more having to pay for this overpriced refrigerator box anymore! You quickly pack all of your stuff up and then get a text that a car will be sent to get you in the morning to bring you to your new home, not even a few blocks from campus.


You wake up with a start and then grab your bags. As you approach, a small white car comes to pick you up from the front gates of the campus. You're driven to the house in silence. When you arrive, you're more than impressed. The house is full of old world charm, large and whimsical. It seems slightly worn down, but it doesn't look bad. When you get inside, there are rooms, each labeled with a name on a door. You find your name and begin to settle in. Under your pillow, you find a note and a journal.

Thank you for your participation!

You have graciously donated a full year of your time to spend in the Windsor House, home of psychological experiments. You will be expected to do one thing, and one thing only. Write in your journal every other day. No matter how little or how much, we'd like to see some sort of behavioral pattern. You will be cut off from the outside world, with no television or internet or land-line phones, but that is one of our variables. We ask that you keep usage of cellular devices to a minimum to maximize the results of the experiment. Please follow the rules of the house: no smoking in the house, no drug use, no alcohol consumption in the house.

Unsigned. Oh well... So, more people? I guess that leaves one question. Who are you?

character outline:


  • Feel free to swear and stuff. After all, these are college students.
  • Write with whatever maturity you're comfortable with. If two characters are going to.. Uhm, get physical, however, please fade to black.
  • Absolutely no insta-love. It drives me crazy. Make the romance realistic.
  • Try to make posts at least a paragraph long for each character, if you have more than one.
  • Try to have a boy and a girl, if you join, so numbers stay even.
  • Have fun!

Posts : 803
Join date : 2010-05-11
Age : 29
Location : idk man

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The Amazing Brain Empty Re: The Amazing Brain

Post by Avery Wed Apr 09, 2014 4:50 pm

[[ woops, I guess I should have mentioned that character sheets were involved. they're under the spoiler. i'll have my characters up in a moment]]

Posts : 803
Join date : 2010-05-11
Age : 29
Location : idk man

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The Amazing Brain Empty Re: The Amazing Brain

Post by bookcrazI Wed Apr 09, 2014 4:52 pm


Posts : 11681
Join date : 2010-06-22
Age : 31
Location : Hell... there are so many screaming children here....

Character Sheet
Name: Zem Grayson
Race: Human Kinsmen
Level: 1

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The Amazing Brain Empty Re: The Amazing Brain

Post by Avery Wed Apr 09, 2014 4:54 pm

[[ click the little white bar in the main chat post and it'll drop down to show you the outline ]]

Posts : 803
Join date : 2010-05-11
Age : 29
Location : idk man

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The Amazing Brain Empty Re: The Amazing Brain

Post by bookcrazI Wed Apr 09, 2014 5:11 pm

Some edits because I clearly haven't done one of these in a while-- plus school is hardly a creative environment for creating characters

Name:Karen Hemmings
Grade: second year uni
Looks: Dark brown hair, cut into a bob- almost undercut with the tips died a deep red. She's tall and lean, but not quite that model lean, more the thin that comes from kick boxing, although her curves are ample enough to be annoying. Her back sports a pretty Octopus tattoo that curls a bit over her shoulders and arms. Her eyes are a typical nut brown, though a little hazel when in the right light. Her face is sharp, and her makeup often sharper.
Other:She's one of those gals cursed with bitchy resting face, although she's rather a soft and squishy sort of person. Her friends, often online, know her to be a bit clingy and eccentric in her hyper activity and need for productivity, but unless a friend she seems stoic and almost arrogant.
Name:Matt Gordimere
Grade:first year uni
Looks: black hair that tends to stick every which where just doesn't go where he wants, tall and lean. He has the build of an artist and a gamer, so much less muscle than a body builder for instance. He's a friendly guy, but he needs his space to work, he get twitchy when people are in his space and he doesn't want them there. He won't outright say it unless he's hit his last button.
Other: He's devoted to being an artist, to creating things and about eighty percent of what he does is affected by that. He can get a little intense when talking or thinking about art.

Last edited by bookcrazI on Wed Apr 09, 2014 8:29 pm; edited 1 time in total

Posts : 11681
Join date : 2010-06-22
Age : 31
Location : Hell... there are so many screaming children here....

Character Sheet
Name: Zem Grayson
Race: Human Kinsmen
Level: 1

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The Amazing Brain Empty Re: The Amazing Brain

Post by Avery Wed Apr 09, 2014 6:12 pm

Name: Clara-Jean "CJ" Thomas
Age: 19 years, 4 months, and 2 days old. Ask her.
Grade: Second year
Looks: She's pretty short. No, not too short with long ashy blonde hair. It's a bit thick and filled with curls that occasionally get tangled up. Her skin in fair with an even dusting of freckles and she's got wide, honey brown eyes with thick eyelashes. She wears glasses that are just a bit too big and constantly slip down her nose and more often then not, her plush lips are chapped from constant biting and chewing.
Other: CJ's got a few problems. She doesn't like people, she doesn't like loud sounds, and she doesn't like herself. She's riddled with anxiety that's only made worse by her slight form of Asperger's syndrome.

Name: "Web" Reynolds
Age: 22
Grade: Third year
Looks: He's average height with a slim build. Standing around 5'10", he's not too intimidating. He's got light brown skin and deep, nearly black eyes. His hair is shaggy, just a little messy, and coarse-- filled with small, kinky curls. He's got a slew of tattoos, including a half-sleeve on one arm and a small spider tattoo on his ankle. The others are hidden away, though he's not opposed to showing them off.
Other: He got his nickname through his love of spiders, something that has cost him many relationships. He's also a bit of a pack rat.

Posts : 803
Join date : 2010-05-11
Age : 29
Location : idk man

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The Amazing Brain Empty Re: The Amazing Brain

Post by Gifty Thu Apr 10, 2014 2:47 am

( I'll join in a few!)

Posts : 10174
Join date : 2010-06-08
Age : 27
Location : on a hunting trip with Cas, Dean and Sam

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Name: Your character name
Level: 1

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The Amazing Brain Empty Re: The Amazing Brain

Post by Avery Sat Apr 12, 2014 7:39 pm

It had been a Friday when she'd moved in. She remembered because the staff wanted to give time to adjust, what with her "disorder" and all. A single day wasn't going to do it, though. No, she's need at least a week, but at least now she knew where the closes bathroom was. After scoping out the houses and other rooms, she went to unpack, laying out all of her things before taking care of them. Order. It was important for keeping her anxiety down. When she was finished, she walked down to the living room and sat on the couch quietly, listening for other voices in the house. It wasn't so much that CJ wanted to meet anyone, no. It was more that she wanted to know if it was going to be safe to relax alone for now or if she'd have to retreat to her room for now.

Web, on the other hand was strung up in his room, literally. Between two wall, he'd strung up a brightly colored hammock where he was now lounging. From his spot, he could see out the door, which was wide open. Maybe this way he wouldn't even have to move to get a few new friends around here. Nestled in his side was organic, raw sugar lemonade he'd been nursing for the past hours, trying to make it seem palatable, but that was harder than he thought.

Posts : 803
Join date : 2010-05-11
Age : 29
Location : idk man

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The Amazing Brain Empty Re: The Amazing Brain

Post by bookcrazI Sat Apr 12, 2014 8:05 pm

Karen fell back to the bed, arms outspread and eyes at the ceiling. It was amazing how your entire life could fit into a series of boxes. She sighed.
The situation could be worse.
She traded in her internet needs for a place to live, and she let them know of her absence.
But now, she itched, simply itched with the need to go online and check her email. To talk to her bud in Cali. To get some sort of stimulation, some attention.
She felt like she was going to explode.
After a five second decision, she sprung up and began to quickly rearrange her entire room. Unpacking the four boxes and one suitcase, moving the bed and desk, and singing to her ipod the entire time took about two hours.
She wasn't gonna be able to survive.

Matt, on the other hand, had found solace in his first day and creative licence for his second. Within the thirty two hours of him being in the residence he had already created four new pieces of art and was currently planning for a fifth.
He reveled in his isolation in a manic sort of way, he had the silence he hadn't had in months, due to an overactive room-mate who thought every night was a party.
This was perfect.

Posts : 11681
Join date : 2010-06-22
Age : 31
Location : Hell... there are so many screaming children here....

Character Sheet
Name: Zem Grayson
Race: Human Kinsmen
Level: 1

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The Amazing Brain Empty Re: The Amazing Brain

Post by Gifty Tue Apr 15, 2014 5:07 am

Name: Quinnlee "Quinn" Jacobson
Age: 19
Grade: First year
Looks: Short-ish black hair that falls to her shoulders, but just barely, she has sided bangs dyed bright blue that hangs into her eye every now and then. She has got green eyes and looks fairly scary when she isn't the one looking terrified. She wears lots of makeup and has bracelets all up and down her arms whenever she wears short sleeves, which is rarely. When she does wear short sleeves you can glimpse thick red scars under the bracelets. She has got nice eyebrows that are a dark brown color, almost black, with an eyebrow piercing, snake bites, and six ear piercings, in each ear. Her skin is a nice amber sort of color with golden undertones to its light brown color.
Other: She almost always looks scared, as if she is terrified of everything around her, and truthfully she is. She is terrified of everyONE around her. She has got a multitude of mental disorders and figured this would probably be a good thing to do since she cannot afford therapy.

Name: Chanjae "Erik" Moon
Age: 21
Grade: third year
Looks: Bleached hair that is dyed every now and then but he prefers to leave it at it's ashy blond form. He has got nice warm brown eyes with a weird pupil in his right eye. He has got a dark skin tone compared to most asians but he likes it and is rather proud of it. People in Korea would call him a flower boy, a pretty boy who wears makeup, like eyeliner and foundation, to enhance his looks. He has a beautiful body which he loves to show off by wearing tight clothes and more importantly specifically leather pants. He wears glasses sometimes, just to look better, and has long enough hair to pull back in a small pony tail, which he does sometimes like for when he works out.
Other: He speaks with a slight accent and struggles with some words, usually mumbling to himself in Korean before he figures it out in english. Quite a weird person to be doing this but his parents, who are well off, decided that he needed to pay his own boarding this year. He's been struggling with that so he decided to do this. He lived in Korea until about four years ago and is still struggling with English.

Posts : 10174
Join date : 2010-06-08
Age : 27
Location : on a hunting trip with Cas, Dean and Sam

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Name: Your character name
Level: 1

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The Amazing Brain Empty Re: The Amazing Brain

Post by Gifty Wed Apr 16, 2014 1:20 am

Quinn shuffled down to the kitchen as quietly as she could, she didn't want anyone to see her she didn't want to be heard. All she wanted was to disappear and just get her food as silently as it was humanly possible. Her room was unpacked and the little things she had were all orderly and put into place.

Erik was unpacking his room rather loudly... His music was loud and somewhat annoying, he had hipster glasses on and was dancing along to some of the songs as he moved around the room unpacking.

Posts : 10174
Join date : 2010-06-08
Age : 27
Location : on a hunting trip with Cas, Dean and Sam

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Name: Your character name
Level: 1

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The Amazing Brain Empty Re: The Amazing Brain

Post by Avery Sat Apr 26, 2014 10:32 pm

It didn't take long for CJ to hear the soft shuffle of feet in the hall and it sent shivers down her spine, freezing her in place. Was she about to come face to face with the first people in the house, all on terms that weren't her own? It didn't sound pleasant to her, but she could deal. Instead of remaining frozen, she took a deep breath and looked at the kitchen door from her seat and then slowly down to her phone, pretending to be busy.

Posts : 803
Join date : 2010-05-11
Age : 29
Location : idk man

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The Amazing Brain Empty Re: The Amazing Brain

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