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» The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production)
The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production) - Page 27 EmptyMon Jun 30, 2014 6:01 pm by OpenTheDoor

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The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production)

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The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production) - Page 27 Empty Re: The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production)

Post by bookcrazI Sun Mar 02, 2014 2:39 am

Lol- I'm freaking out just enough to panic my brain into momentarily forgetting shit during important moments and the during the stupid ones it comes back. LIke i'll be having pancakes and my brain is all like 'remember how Stalin died in 1953?' and I'm like, NOW I DO...but I DIDN'T DURING THE QUIZ
like.. brain... what u doin? why u playin?
I need a gaming one and one with good battery life and can multitask and has good memory.. on ebay there are some really good options that I'm checking out.. but I know practically nothing so I have to bother my friend and go 'how about this one? is this good?' I feel kinda annoying.
So like I have this job, camp leader, for over spring break, but liek... blah.. my mom booked a trip to get my passport renewed on one of the days I'm supposed to work, cause she messed it up, and she's blaming me for giving her the wrong dates and I need this job.. but I also kinda need my american passport and it was a lot of money to book and you don't get it back if u cancel..
I'm a bit angry at her for being angry at me..
But.. for jobs with people.. that's my job.. I must deal with a buttload of children and their parents for a week.. but it's good pay.. so.. meh.


Posts : 11681
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Name: Zem Grayson
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The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production) - Page 27 Empty Re: The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production)

Post by OpenTheDoor Tue Mar 04, 2014 9:53 am

Haha, my brain just refuses to spell things properly so I'll spend a good couple of minutes trying to work out if it's Thoiry or Thiory when I'm stressed... I've started doing yoga to help my stress levels, though...
That sounds like me with my brother! I know next to nothing on computers and technology and phones so he just comes along, pushes a few buttons and fixes everything. Though he also suggested the HTC Wildfire to me and that was a terrible phone -.-
Ah, that's tough... I don't really know what to say to that :/ Just make sure that when you leave home to go to college/uni that you leave on a good note :S
I was on minimum wage, though, and still had to clear up after childrenwho decided to throw their chips (as in fries) on the floor. T'wasn't good...


Fergie: God, she did know how to turn me on.
I couldn't help but let out a grumble of a moan, her lips teasing my skin, sparking my senses, making me go near crazy from her simple little nips on my collarbone. She really knew how to control my body, to make me feel the way she wanted me to.
But then she muttered those words, those words which finally brought me back around to the world rather than the depth of lust.
She couldn't have dragged me to that room any quicker, her hand hovering an inch above the problem area. She must have purposely done that, brushing on me every now and then to stir me up even more.
The bitch.
The second she pounced on me, my hands flew up to pull her closer to me. She had been teasing me for far too long. I needed to get my fill. It wasn't fair.
It was my turn for my lips to take a hold of her, tasting her once again, a flavour which I could never get tired of. Whilst one hand went to pull her closer to me, wrapping around the back of her fancy hair updo, the other ventured to cradle her hips, feeling her curves.
I didn't know how long that was going to last, though. Knowing Molly she would've punished me for touching her when she was busy playing with me like a toy.
Maybe I'd get punished.
But maybe that was what I was hoping for.

Olly: My brows still continued to furrow. So, this guy just crept up to ask me to give him some magic? The wind told him about me?
I didn't know what to think. Even though it was a rather weird request from a complete and utter total stranger, I couldn't sense any malice from him. He didn't look like he was hiding a gun in his pants, ready to kill me if I didn't comply right away...
Anyway, he wasn't dressed up like a stereotypical thug but rather like a child of the forest. Either it was a strange new con artist trick or the guy was high or...
I didn't know why but I had a feeling that it wasn't going to end badly for me.
"What do I have to do, then?" I asked, clearing my throat slightly.
Either way I had no idea what I had to do to give him some magic. It wasn't as if I did it often.

Robin: "Oh, Johnny..."
He knew me so well, knowing which buttons to press to really make me quiver. My mind had drifted up to Cloud Nine and I didn't want to come down any time soon. I wanted to live up there, pulling him up their with me to stay forever, living a happy simple life in our castle in the clouds.
I knew we'd get there eventually. I just needed to focus on the present. And at that present moment of time, I had Johnny with me.
Gently, I pulled back on his body slightly, just suggesting for him to take a hold of me, just the way I liked it. But as my hand gently slipped under his fancy shirt, fingering the ebbs of his abs, reminding me of exactly what he was hiding. I just hoped that I was going to be able to see it soon.

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The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production) - Page 27 Empty Re: The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production)

Post by bookcrazI Thu Mar 06, 2014 1:32 am

Omg- Sorry about the latenessness... I've been utterly swamped with things in the last couple days- I've been forced into doing the school play which basically means 13 hour days... I'm pretty tired.. stress hasn't really had any time to pop up.. which is a good thing?
People can be right old jerks sometimes... but hey.. I'm gonna make 540$ in a week.. so I can deal Razz
How's school for you this week?

And he was so easy to pull along, like a little puppy on a leash... just sexier... and... a little more handsy.
Not that I was complaining, no, not at all.
His hands grabbed and caressed in feeling that could only be described as possession, and for once in my I could honestly say that I didn't mind being possessed. Feeling owned was more like feeling I belonged with him. Near him. On him.
I let him have his little pull and grab, his little seize of control, any strong nation lets their colonies have power over their own land once in a while, but like any major power, I was ready to have control of my satellite state. He had grown a little too full of himself, that was Fergie though.
He needed to be taken down a peg.
I grabbed his hands, currently occupying the land of my ass, and shifted them up a few borders, to the nation of unoccupied bed, right above his pretty little head.
A few tsks may have been involved, chiding him ever so slightly, so he knew he'd always end up somewhere like this. Under my mercy.
Having power, magical power, meant control, meant careful consideration on how to use it. Being a guardian, as I've learned, meant being a fair leader, being responsible.
I was so ready to become tyrannical.
So, with him panting against the bed, eyes hooded and every moan making me shiver, I plotted my first move to my reign of terror.... I mean.. pleasure.
A careful grind of equally turned on body parts, the hardness of him causing a hiss to my lips, speeding up what slow takeover I had planned. This was no time for delicate political moves, no time for patience. No.
So when my hands left his and dove for his....government, I had no real finesse with my handling of it. Each grip, grind, and pull was aimed at making his country revolt. Where was my revolution?
Or was I simply to take him, claim him under my rule. It looked that way. So in the lazy, haphazard shifting, but not full removal, of clothes did I manage to merge our two bodies of land, cries of mutual benefaction in celebration. Perhaps full control wasn't so bad, my position of on top being a good view to dictate my next orders.

I smiled slowly, I knew I had felt the kindred spirit.... perhaps a boy still lost, lost in a man's body. I crept forward, letting my body languidly glide, I would have pouted at the lack of spring to my step, shadow out of synche with my slide, but no matter how I walked I still made it close to the man, close enough to feel his breath.
I looked down upon his face, here I could see the unfitting skin, awkwardly slipped upon his expression, was that nerves I saw? His body language dictated that he did not feel as comfortable as I. Perhaps, it was my years that eased my spine, more curved than his rigid slope, or was it the fatigue that sat under my eyes, and in the small of my back, pushing and pulling down to the chaining gravity.
"My name is Pan... Peter Pan..." I whispered into his ear, cradling his jaw.
He still seemed stiff.
It was no matter, he had acquiesced to the sharing, that was all I required, so with that I pressed my lips to his, stealing what energy I could.
A gentle siphon of what he did not need, and there was more than enough. True, that the basest of his magic, natural, was dark but it mattered not to a spirit. We are of all types, not yet stuck to a side, as many mortals claim to be forced into.
I felt the lightness return to my limbs, and my lips curved, while pressed to his.
I pulled away from his stone stiff body, a grin lightening my tanned skin, a brightness glowing in my cheeks. Yes. This was better.
My hand dropped from his cheek to his shoulder.
"Thank you, friend." I said to his frozen form.
How odd, his eyes were, wide like that.

Now there was an urgency in my hips, as her hands brushed, my mouth gasping in her breath, and I followed her pull back down to the bed.
The shirt, recently on, was abandoned once more to be with the floor. Pressed and wrinkled by gravity, it laid there, and I felt an odd solidarity to it, sinking into Robin's skin, my blood pounding and pushing me closer with need.
My need.
Desperate for the friction her body so willingly offered up. I was weak to her, crumpling down to her body with each kiss, gentle nuzzles of noses and hands, of hands to bodies and the removal of barriers. All tender and almost sad.
A sighing of sheets, as they were pushed away to make space for our passion, suddenly bare and stretching.
I begged entrance, like a pilgrim to holy land, for she was of godly reverence, what I prayed to every night. Home of my spirit.
And nothing could be sinful in the way her soft body made for the slow touch of my heat to hers.
I begged entrance in desperate moans.

Posts : 11681
Join date : 2010-06-22
Age : 31
Location : Hell... there are so many screaming children here....

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Name: Zem Grayson
Race: Human Kinsmen
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The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production) - Page 27 Empty Re: The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production)

Post by OpenTheDoor Sun Apr 27, 2014 8:39 am

So, a month and a half later... Feels kind of ironic that you apologised for your lateness when you were just  day later XD So yeah, sorry. Stress is really getting bad right about now. Almost had a panic attack about a mock the other day. A mock. One that doesn't even matter. Fortunately the teacher delayed it for another day so I could pull myself together... I failed it, anyways, and that's on the subject I'm most confident one... Brilliant.
Anyways, how are you? Hopefully a little less stressed than me.
(PS for the last Johnny post of yours, you put "Olly" instead, and bearing in mind what they're doing... Yeah, lets leave it at that, shall we? XD)

Fergie: I knew that my attempt of a revolution was going to be nipped in the bud, only teasing me to believe that I was the one to be in control this time for once as I slowly invaded her lands, burning the bridges behind me in my reckless manner. If she left it too late then she might have been able to pull the power back into her lap.
No. It wasn't to be. As she lifted my hands to hang above my head, like a prisoner of war hanging to the dungeon wall, ready to meet the pleasure of the queen, I knew that I had been captured once again and that I was going to have to wait until next time before I could try again. I wasn't going to start a civil war over such trivial matters. In any case, we were both aiming for the same future, just that the strategy there was slightly different: the one in control of the charge.
But as she began to make her move against the rebellion, I could help but immediately concede to her rule, a weak attempt of a battle cry escaping the depths of my throat as she put me back into my place once more. All I could do was watch and revel as she lead her march into me, her face coiling up in the pleasure of the prospect, of knowing that her throne was safe for a little while longer.
Every now and then, my hands would dare to break free from the chains of her hands and her weight pressing down on them, to try and take a hold of the land I knew and loved, wanting to see it to its fullest potential, to make the queen happy. But she wasn't having it. Like putting a child back into its playpen after it had escaped once again, she simply placed them back where they belonged, restricted above my ginger mop of curls, continuing to work on giving me my punishment for my act of treason.
Oh, but it was the most beautiful kind of torture.

Olly: ...why was he getting so close to me?
I couldn't hide the slight panic my body felt as he crept closer to me, like a stalking predator upon its frightened, rigid prey. His face was way too close to mine to be comfortable, his lips lightly brushing my cheek. I wouldn't have minded if that was Lila, of course, but she was my wife. As far as I knew, this was a stranger I had just met in the alleyway! He could have attempted to kill me if he wished.
I couldn't stop him from what he did next. As he stroked the edge of my jaw, delving into me with his relaxed, yet rather tired, eyes, my mind was screaming at me to get away.
But it was too late.
As he pressed his chapped lips onto mine, I felt a slight tug within me, like he was reaching inside of my soul and stealing the energy within me, draining me like a battery.
As he eventually pulled away, a sly smile on his lips, my brain was literally screaming "What the fuck, dude?!". If I had known that one transferred magic power like that then I would have dwelled on the matter a little longer. I thought that it would be something like a simply handshake, or, as my father did...
But a kiss?!
I stepped back, wiping my lips with the back of my sleeve as if that was going to make a difference as to what had just occurred
"Was that really necessary?" I asked gently, still trying to get my head around him.
...was he just another weirdo?
But the character in front of me, I couldn't help but sense that he was who he said he was, which was strange.
Was he really Peter Pan? I didn't know that he was I thought he had a crush on Wendy? Why was he here, not in Neverland? Did that place even exist? It must have done if he was here...
"I'm married. You could have told me that you were going to do...that," I muttered, waving to my lips, "What are you going to do now?"

Robin: Hot and desperate were the only words needed to explain it. As our hands searched each others skin, our lips trying to reacquaint themselves once again, our guts yearning for one another, each movement was critical, prolonging the passion just an inch each time.
I couldn't take it any more. His deep moans, his glazed eyes, his...hardness, all pointed to one thing. I bid him passage, allowing him to explore, to exploit the desperation we shared. A shaken gasp slipped past quivering lips, my eyes hiding away as the euphoria I knew so well and was so addicted to rushing over my skin, riding down my spine.
But I wanted more. I wanted to feel every part of him. My brain was far past reasoning. I just wanted him.

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The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production) - Page 27 Empty Re: The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production)

Post by bookcrazI Mon May 05, 2014 5:51 pm

Don't worry about a thing!! School has been tough too, my exams are all going to happen in about... two weeks or something.. I'm panicking.. but I've already hit apathetic exhaustion. I'M SO SORRY ABOUT THE STRESS- I WISH I COULD HELP YOU- I JUST WANNA HUG YOU TIGHT AND MAKE SURE YOU'RE OKAY. YOU ARE SMART. YOU ARE AMAZING AND YOUR ANXIETY DOESN'T DEFINE YOU. You can do it. You can do this. (and omg awks... I am lyzdexic sometimes)
My exams start... MONDAY..fuck.. oh well.. a little shameless smut to write and some fun banter never hurt a girl ;P
I take it you liked my earlier extended metaphor with Fergie and molly tho Razz

Oh how their oceans rocked together, a perfect swell and fall of stormy tides. I, of course, was his Calypso, and, if I wasn't preoccupied with moaning and rocking, I would have let him know that. Let him know that I owned his sorry, but pert, ass.
Our groans were beginning to grow in volume, and I felt my end nearing, this affair wasn't meant to be something long and loving like most nights. No, this was more a... reaffirmation that I held his heart tightly in my fist. Also my baby hormones were raging.
My hands let go of his wrists and pulled his head up to rest at my neck, encouraging him to play a more active part as my need for him grew. We twined together tighter, arms clinging, and nails scraping, in attempts to pull release from each others' skin. Open mouth kisses, messily dragged across shoulders with half garbled words.
"You're mine." I managed, hips bucking harshly into his.
Hoping for him to go deeper and the fall to start.
A moment later it hit like a bag of bricks, curving my spine into a question mark while dragging Fergie along.

I frowned.
Clearly my new friend neglected to hold the same ideals as I did, or any of the lost boys, truly, what was a thimble among friends? No.... a kiss, that girl long ago called it a kiss.
I ignored the man, stuttering along, and looked off into the distance, memories seemed so hard to come by at times, especially when one searched, and yet others appeared so openly that it was if they had been waiting to be recognized all along. A smiled curved across my lips and the memory of the girl, the pale blue dress and pale blue curiosity, sat in the front of my head. She had called me Peter.
She had taught me much.
It matter little now.
What good were learnings if you had nothing to use them on. Neverland was...gone. It was lost. The boys along with it, oh, how he had failed his boys!
The man, a friend now with all things considered, kept talking.
I could not hear him.
All I could hear was the sound of the Lost boys calling my name, "Pan?" "Are you there?" "Where did you go?" "I need you?" "Why did you leave?", I fell into a crouch, cradling my echoing head anything sweet now turned sour.
How ironically did the memories choose to hit.
Black. Swirling, curling across my temples. It claimed my tongue, spoke with it, cast words of heavy intention and magic. It puppeteer ed my limbs and stole my will. I was no longer childhood, I had become endings.
Perhaps... the last spell had saved them?
Perhaps my last will before the black kept them safe.
Their shouts still echoed in my head.
Did they remember?
"I am right here.. I couldn't.. I couldn't save you.. I can't find you.. I'm sorry.. I'm sorry." I murmured, a mantra forming to aid my body's soft rock back ad forth.
I needed to help them.
To save them.
My boys, my tribe, my family.
I looked up at the man, sprung, perhaps into flight, but tall enough to rest my hands on the man's shoulders. He had the look of a lost boy.
"I need your help again, friend. You know I am Pan. You may know of my lost boys. I need to find them. I need to get to them, there are great dangers afoot, the types that are hard to survive on one's own." I said seriously.
My eyes moved speedily to capture his, left right left right, I needed this man.
He had a good heart, even with his curse.

We joined in the hasty retreat of clothing, in the quick muttered oaths and the even quicker sultry mix of bodies. It was our lovemaking that was slow.
That was tender.
That was something that was distinctly ours.
A moment of lust blurred eyes passed into caresses and soft moans, of gentle smiles that were kissed away to swollen lips. I made to spell out the word 'Love' against every inch of her skin.
Let the flesh know that I was with her.
That even in her departure she had a bit of me with her.
I had to figure it out
We had roughly four months until the inevitable appeared, another five, barely, to finish arrangements. Time was precious and there was no way I, now a leader, would let my own child be raised without me. Without two parents.
There was no way I'd let Robin do it all alone.
I promised her a thousand times my heart, my life, my soul.
She had me.
I was hers.
She, mine.

Posts : 11681
Join date : 2010-06-22
Age : 31
Location : Hell... there are so many screaming children here....

Character Sheet
Name: Zem Grayson
Race: Human Kinsmen
Level: 1

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The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production) - Page 27 Empty Re: The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production)

Post by OpenTheDoor Thu May 29, 2014 5:41 pm

Haha, thanks. I like that about the anxiety not defining me. I might steal that one to motivate a friend or two Razz
And yes -- I do love your extended metaphors, haha!
And sorry if my spelling and grammar is a bit off... My brain is rather frazzled at the mo -.-

Fergie: I was wholeheartedly lost in the ecstasy. My mind had become a slave to the euphoria roaring through my bones, rocking every nerve I owned. Every push, every grind, every touch pulled me further and further, deeper and deeper down into the abyss. And it was such a pleasurable ride.
My lips dragged across her skin, my hands grasping to her body as if I was going to lose her in the fall. It was desperate, simple as that. I was completely hers, the whole of me.
And her words only made me finally lose my grip.
The shiver of pleasure tumbled down my spine as my eyes rolled back into my skull, losing myself deeper and deeper. Only one thing made sense to me then: my pure lust for Molly. Everything else, our growing moans echoing around the room, was nothing to me. Even the mumble of cuss words under my breathe slipped by my notice.
I fell back to the bed, my brain still buzzing from the sensations. My time seemed to still, the thin layer of sweat spread over my skin...and I had just had a shower. For a few moments, I lied there, still, holding Molly to me, making sure that she had tripped with me...
Then I had to break the moment.
"...see Johnny?" I managed to grumble out.
What could I say? I was spent.

Olly: Okay, this guy seriously was a weirdo. Like, a real insane person.
One minute he was hopping around, smiling like a lunatic, without a care in the world, the next he was rocking around on the ground, muttering the same thing over and over again. He was completely lost in his world, in his mind, in himself.
I was honestly thinking about leaving, seeing him on the floor. He had no touch with reality, did he?... But then again, if he genuinely was Pan, then he was from a different world, living in a whole new place...
Wasn't that called manic depression? I think I remembered that word being thrown about at home once,muttered by my mother in the depths of her despair...
It didn't matter. There was no point thinking about that.
I couldn't help but jump as he leapt back up at me, causing me to yelp slightly. I really wished that I saw that one coming.
But I couldn't help but frown at the guy, "I'm really sorry, I would help you...but I sort of have my own troubles which I need to deal with. A matter of life or death. My life, more specifically."
Who knew how long it would take to find his friends, the Lost Boys? I didn't think that it was going to be an easy task by the look in his eyes, the determination. I didn't even think that I had enough time to get our problem fixed, let alone his.
"Sorry, dude."

Robin: What seemed to start off so rushed and frantic gently slowed. It became more precise, more deliberate, more careful. Time seemed to still, dragging me into the importance of the moment. It made me focus fully on him, every inch of his skin and soul. Though I hated to admit that it made my hope and heart weep.
How was I going to be able to live without him? To raise a child without him? Or even two as Timothy had predicted?
I couldn't see my future without him. It wasn't fair on me, on him, on anyone...
My heart wouldn't be able to take it. My mind wouldn't able to stand it. I didn't want to believe it. What was meant to be such a happy time, a new life to the world, was ever so sour.
I poured every emotion I was feeling into my body -- the love, the pain, the anguish-- rocking gently to him, lips pressed to his, trying to pull us closer together. Inseparable.
I had to try and accept it as it was, our predicament as it was. We were smart -- we've worked out puzzles before. Sure, they seemed like simple quizzes, not the complex conundrums we were having thrown in our way.
But as we together rose higher and higher to the heights of our heaven, I focused fully on us. Just us. Not anything else in the world.

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The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production) - Page 27 Empty Re: The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production)

Post by bookcrazI Mon Jun 30, 2014 1:50 am

Omgizzle- I totally procrastinated writing this- work kinda kicked me in the face- but I'm sorry for taking so long- this seems to be a habit with us Razz
Without further ado, enjoy my very rusty prose...lord help me, it's mushy and poetic.. well... lol.. go ham Razz

I nuzzled his neck with a grin, weakly clinging to him still in a hazy world of contentment.
"Yeah... in..ina minute.." I mumbled not ready to peel myself from him.
It was kinda that feeling you get underwater, where you can pretend like there is nothing else under the surface, no worries, no deadlines. Just the gentle pressure of the water and the urge to breathe pushing at you gently.That gentle, natural urge that reminded you what it meant to be alive, to feel.
I felt saturated in it, though it may have just been sweat, after buzz, and affection for the self obsessed loaf under me, but it was nice. It was... quiet.
The back of my head thoughts started to creep forward after the unceremonious shove my hormones had given them all but fifteen minutes previous. They nagged at me, slowly building as the list of 'to do' grew in my head and I groaned, slipping off of Fergie and sighing.
I magicked my clothes and body back into their previous state, cleaning myself and Fergie while I was at it. Another sigh.
I turned to face him, tugging at the collar of his shirt in a futile attempt to make it a little more presentable, even though it was at a magicked perfection. The little things pushed away the nagging in my head; fixing his collar, brushing his hair back, feeling that warmth when he leaned into my palm.
Little things.
"We ought to go say goodbye, quickly too, he should be on his way by now, honestly..." I murmured, softly as if any louder would break our little shell of comfort.
I turned away from him, one of his hands in mine, and began our trek to the west wing to say farewell to our friend.
Little things stopped the horrible crushing fear of being too young with too much power in such a hectic and terrifying new world.
Sometimes.. Sometimes in the middle of the night I could hazard a thought pattern that lead me to muse: 'would this be how I felt if I was going into college?', if I had no other types of fear to compare to, would I have found that new sort of world as scary as I found this one of magic?
Maybe in another world.
I looked over to Fergie with a small smile, the one I only used for him, in another world I probably wouldn't have had him as a headache. Perhaps I liked this sort of fear better for that.
Robin would have smacked me and made a face if I had told her something like that. Robin. She would have called me a mush fest, I would have sighed but agreed, and then I would have forced her to watch a mush movie that she would have secretly enjoyed. We would have stayed up until two in the morning laughing and painting each other's nails like in a 90's movie.
I missed her so much.
At least... at least I knew she was safe with her father.
Even if he was a creepy awful man, he wouldn't have hurt her. Any and everyone else? Probably. His children? Not a chance.

I grimaced, he was not truly lost then, he had some sort of anchor... perhaps, if I...
"I can cure your curse. A bargain if you will, you aid me I shall return the favour graciously... perhaps I could help you first, considering you have little time left with the looks of it..." The black soul ichor had already covered most of his soul, two faced as it was.
The dark magic in him swirled with a strange light source which was not of his own creation. Strange, it was almost as if... Of course!
I let out a laugh as I backed away.
His anchor.
He had bonded with a fae of light, she was the healing force on him. Funny how fate often let your very salvation come hand in hand with your destruction. A little game to see who could get to you first. Oh that pretty blue dress.
I had called her fate in my head, my Wendy of wind, of twisting turning tides.
I turned my head to the man, I would call him... irony, yes, that would be his lost name. This man, irony, was old enough not to be in danger, too much at least.
I couldn't.. I couldn't let myself capture another poor young soul to come with me, not this adventure, no matter how this dark city screamed of them.
Young souls, my own soul, had little space in this new world, youth sucked out too young. Perhaps... Perhaps that was why my body stretched the vines of cloth that used to be loose.
No matter.
All that mattered was irony.
"Well? Would you deny my help for your own?" I asked, a challenge.

Oh how we fell, a lovely float down to earth in each other's arms, mouths letting open kisses messily hit skin, unspoken loyalty falling in the tender bruises which scattered across necks and wrists.
We held in the cooling of sweat and the sharing of heat between still connected bodies and minds.
Soft kiss to the cheek with a murmur.
Another to the other side with a whimper.
Our little sphere of personal moments was cracking under the pressure of each tick of the clock.
My manservents had any moment to arrive with furious tsking that I hadn't awoken for the scheduled meetings and readying for the trip back to my... my domain. My kingdom to run, through the gods and godesses of our religion, that I was blasphemously rusty on my knowledge of. I knew of our rites, and our rules, I knew it was my duty to protect and govern our lands as my home, but it felt foreign.
The only home I felt was... in her eyes. In her arms.
In her godsforsaken kiss.
"" I mumbled, heart breaking at each word, and arms pulling her closer in contradiction.

Posts : 11681
Join date : 2010-06-22
Age : 31
Location : Hell... there are so many screaming children here....

Character Sheet
Name: Zem Grayson
Race: Human Kinsmen
Level: 1

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The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production) - Page 27 Empty Re: The Ye Old Shoppe o' Curiosities (An OpenBook Production)

Post by OpenTheDoor Mon Jun 30, 2014 6:01 pm

Oh don't worry about it! I've been busy meanwhile with exams so I couldn't have replied anyway! BUT IT'S ALL DONE NOW! Very Happy Plus I got myself a new job. Everything's looking up for OTD Smile How's life for you other than the work overload? Haha
And don't worry. I thought that you wrote beautifully Smile I know that mine wasn't that great, particularly towards the end XD Oh welly well...

Fergie: That moment. That moment, just the two of us, in a tangled love-up bundle on the once freshly-made bed, lost in the ravines of our minds... Those were my most favourite moments. No words needed to be spoken. Everything that needed to be said had already been uttered. It was just the two of us, enjoying the warmth of each other's presence, locked in one another's arms...
But Molly was right. If we were relatively speedy then we might have missed him...but it wasn't as if Johnny was going to leave without saying goodbye to the pair of us, was it? I didn't think that he had it in him. Hell, I would have beaten him up if he had left already! Who knew when we were going to see him next? It could have been ages!
...Well, actually, judging by the fact that there seemed to be a lot of trouble brewing , it could have been a lot sooner than we first imagined. That King Rhys was definitely hiding something -- I was sure that we were going to find out exactly what soon. My gut was telling me so. He was shifty, that guy. I didn't like him...and it wasn't because he was meddling with my Molly, either.
Winding through and around the corridors, I let her lead us. It felt more natural that way, the way that it was meant to be. Anyway, mind was still in that delightful after-buzz, head-in-the-clouds where all my attention was just focused on her: the soft smile, the spark in her eyes, the sway as she walked... I hadn't even noticed that we had reached our destination until she lightly squeezed my hand, giving me that gentle grin once again. And I knew that I was blushing from being so encased in her.
Quickly, adjusting my collar once more, I cleared my throat, trying to regain my posture once more. Taking a step towards the door, I lightly rapped on the door with the back of my knuckles, clearly calling out, "Johnny? Are you busy?"
Maybe I should have addressed him in a more formal way. Senator or something... I couldn't remember his official title. Well, it wasn't as if he was just another guy in school at that moment -- he was the leader of an Elven tribe. He probably deserved more respect than that...
Oh well. No matter the fancy title he held, he would always be that love-struck fool we all knew and sometimes loved.
But as those words past my lips, a little bit of sorrow brushed through me. I didn't know why. It didn't feel right leaving him here. Sure, this was his world, his real world, but we should have been taking him home with us. We might not have known him for long but he was still part of the group, and we had to stick together...
But with a shake of my head, I removed any traces of the inner struggle I was facing and turned back to Molly, offering her a small smile, trying to make it seem as if I wasn't just having a conversation in my mind again. It was a terrible habit that I wasn't going to shake off any time soon.

Olly: My brow raised. He could help me? Least to say, I was sceptical. Yes, he had some ability. He was Peter Pan, for damn's sake. He could fly. He could duel with one-handed pirates. He could...doing other things, I guessed. I couldn't remember much else about him. I didn't like watching that movie as a kid. To think that there was another fantasy world... It wasn't my cup of tea. Robin on the other hand... Peter Pan was one of her favourites. She often wished that she could be Wendy and be whisked away into the night away from Earth...
Not that I could feel her close at that time.
But back to my situation.
"How?" I dared to utter, "How can you help me?"
Maybe I wouldn't need to ask for my father's help after all, not that I needed to be afraid of him. I just didn't want to owe him anything, as weird as that was. I knew that he was my father and all, but... Still, it looked like I would rather trust a newly-met stranger than him.
I folded my arms up again, staring at him. Sure, I didn't have a lot of time left at that rate but I still didn't want to dive head-first into any situation. Who knew? It could have been Timmy in disguise, toying with me...

Robin: I physically jumped at the sound of knocking upon the door. It completely threw me off guard, dragging me back up from the abyss of happiness and back to reality, facing my deepest fears once again.
Having to part from my Johnny once again.
I thought that we would have a had a few tender moments to say goodbye but... His minders had returned a lot sooner than I would have hoped, earlier than those previous days, about to prise him from his chamber and me from his arms. They had no idea of my presence, that his holy leader was dealing with someone with a blackened heart.
Oh irony. I adored it so.
Nevertheless, I felt my heart sink into the depths of my chest. I couldn't stop my lungs from caving in, struggling to draw breath properly, causing me to near hyperventilate. Automatically, I could tell my eyes were starting to well up, my hands latching onto the security of him arms.
I didn't want to leave him. I didn't want to be alone again. I needed him beside me. I needed to pull him back through the door with me and run away. His people didn't need him as much as I did, surely? I was pregnant and insecure. I was allowed to be greedy and selfish and want my man all to myself, right? Screw a colony of elves. I was more important then they were, right?!
But then they spoke, the people at the door. Though they were quiet, I could hear that voice clearly.
That wasn't the monotonous drone of his minder.
Fergie? That sounded like him! That was surely his voice: slightly nasally, posh accent... I could have recognised that anywhere! But... How could it have been him?
"What's he doing here?" I muttered under my breath sniffing slightly.
But that wasn't important. He would be back home soon with Molly. I could confront him then. I could contacted him when I returned myself. He never left his phone off and, because Molly believed that it was a good idea for me to have it "just in case", I could text him or something... Just to know how she was doing, to make sure that she was staying sane without me, not that I was really managing without her. She surely would have been coping just as badly as me, right?...
But at least she had Fergie. I had nothing but a grumpy old tabby cat.
I would have laughed if I had any humour left in me. Sadly, I was mentally and emotionally drained. I was a metaphoric puddle on the floor, needing to be cleaned up... But I was the one who had to leave that domain.
Gently, I glanced up to Johnny, through the flood of tears which dared to well up in my eyes. I didn't really want him to see him upset, but it was a little too late at that point. I didn't have the luxury of time to wipe my face clean, even. I could have spent those extra seconds wishing him goodbye.
"I know," I whispered, cupping his cheek in my hand, "but it won't be forever, will it? We'll be back together soon. The time will fly by. Blink and you'll miss it."
Even though the goodbye was so sour, I dared to break a smile. I knew that I was just to convince myself that everything was going to be okay, but what more could I do? Say the truth? Say that I was worried beyond belief that I was never going to see him again? That as a pregnant teen with the father so far away, that I was so completely terrified that I was going to break down without his love and support?
Slipping out from his arms, I rushed to gather up my clothes, the ones which had been tossed on the floor in a mess of lust and passion. I might have been naked but he had seen all of me before. Anyway, I was all his.
"Soon enough everything will be back to normal."
Throwing my dress over my shoulder, I returned myself to his side, placing my hands upon his shoulders, trying to steady myself, using him as an anchor.
Softly, I stroked the back of his cheek again, "I love you. Remember that. I'll be home if you need me, waiting for you."
And without any further waiting, I pressed my lips to his for what I knew would be the last time in a very long while. Every single emotion I had left in me, I poured into that kiss. I stole as much love as I could from him, enough to last me however long it would take me to coax him back into my arms, safe at last.
"See you later."
And with that and a quick squeeze of his shoulder, I sprinted to the bathroom door before I could turn back and see him behind me. I threw myself through the door, slamming it behind me, returning back to the darkness of my bedroom... I immediately fell to my feet, a wreck, huddled up in a mess on the floor just the other side of my door.
And thus the chaos my life resumed once more.

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Age : 28
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