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[[ she whispered her last ]] Survival Horror [[ "save yourself" ]] PROFILES

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[[ she whispered her last ]] Survival Horror [[ "save yourself" ]] PROFILES Empty [[ she whispered her last ]] Survival Horror [[ "save yourself" ]] PROFILES

Post by quetzalcoatl Sat Sep 11, 2010 1:54 pm

[[ she whispered her last ]] Survival Horror [[ "save yourself" ]] PROFILES C3528919
open || closed
roleplay . ooc
2/6 roles taken

      Welcome to my survival horror roleplay. I am Squid, and this is not-so-subtly based on Silent Hill.


        The Big Bad: taken by quetzalcoatl
        Female 1: taken by quetzalcoatl
        Female 2: open
        Female 3: open
        Male 1: open
        Male 2: open
        Male 3: open

      Rules Abridged
        quetzalcoatl is god
        quetzalcoatl reserves the right to reject your profile
        quetzalcoatl reserves the right to kick you out of the roleplay
        No Sues
        No Godmoding/Power playing/Auto-hitting
        Character death can and will occur.
        No one-liners, no novels
        OOC stays in the OOC thread
        Profiles stay in the profile thread

Last edited by quetzalcoatl on Sat Sep 11, 2010 4:41 pm; edited 1 time in total

Posts : 65
Join date : 2010-08-11
Age : 28

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[[ she whispered her last ]] Survival Horror [[ "save yourself" ]] PROFILES Empty Re: [[ she whispered her last ]] Survival Horror [[ "save yourself" ]] PROFILES

Post by quetzalcoatl Sat Sep 11, 2010 1:54 pm

[[ she whispered her last ]] Survival Horror [[ "save yourself" ]] PROFILES 6b76ad7b

      This is the profile skeleton:

        [size=11][b]ROLE HERE[/b][/size]
        [list][size=9][b]Name:[/b] first middle last
        [b]Preferred name:[/b] what they're usually called
        [b]Age:[/b] your character's age
        [b]Personality:[/b] a quick run-down on your character's personality (1 - 3 paragraphs)
        [b]Bio:[/b] a quick run-down on your character's history (1 - 3 paragraphs)
        [b]Appearance:[/b] a quick run-down on your character's appearance (1 - 3 paragraphs or a picture)[/size][/list]

      And this is what it looks like filled:

        MALE #1
          Name: John Derek Doe
          Preferred name: Derek
          Age: 21
          Personality: Derek came from a troubled home. He grew up loving a good fight and has a temper problem. not afraid to hit girls.
          Bio: Derek dropped out of school at 16 to work with his father on the construction site. Their relationship is strained but they don't talk much. Starting to regret not finishing school, but doesn't have the money to go back.
          Appearance:[[ she whispered her last ]] Survival Horror [[ "save yourself" ]] PROFILES 3956d002

      Please post your finished profiles on the profile thread, where quetzalcoatl will approve them.

Posts : 65
Join date : 2010-08-11
Age : 28

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[[ she whispered her last ]] Survival Horror [[ "save yourself" ]] PROFILES Empty Re: [[ she whispered her last ]] Survival Horror [[ "save yourself" ]] PROFILES

Post by quetzalcoatl Sat Sep 11, 2010 1:57 pm

[[ she whispered her last ]] Survival Horror [[ "save yourself" ]] PROFILES Dc3bfadb
Female #1

    Name: Charlotte Lorraine Hester

    Preferred name: Charlotte

    Age: 28

    Personality: At 28, Charlotte is well set in the world and ready for whatever's to come. Employed under the highly successful and very powerful owner of a local bank, she specializes in the area of...'disposal' and protection. Her job has turned her very cold and cynical, with a calculating demeanor and a lone-wolf complex. You'll have to earn this woman's trust.

    Bio: Charlotte has been employed under the bank owner for over five years, and has established a relationship with him. Her entire life before then is rather 'multiple-choice', as she likes to put it, never telling the same story. Sometimes she's a barista at the local cafe, sometimes she's a nurse, sometimes she's an aspiring director, sometimes she's none of the above. No one really knows, and it's likely no one will ever find out.

    One thing is for sure, though. Charlotte's left eye is missing, and instead she keeps a glass eye with a very pale green iris - a high contrast to her almost burning emerald iris on the right.

    Whatever she's done in the past, it's certainly let her embittered. One can hardly blame her, though, just look at that eye...

    Appearance: See picture.

Posts : 65
Join date : 2010-08-11
Age : 28

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[[ she whispered her last ]] Survival Horror [[ "save yourself" ]] PROFILES Empty Re: [[ she whispered her last ]] Survival Horror [[ "save yourself" ]] PROFILES

Post by bookcrazI Sat Sep 11, 2010 4:55 pm

Name:Molly Claire Barkwood
Preferred name: Molly, or Mo
Personality:Molly was a normal girl from a normal family studying to be a doctor and a writer. She is a nurturer and always longs to help people or animals no matter what. She is exteremly stubborn and fights what she believes in, never takes no for an answer. She has a bright disposition that everyone can't stand cause shes so optomistic. She never thought she'd need to kill someone, ever. Shes super trusting and always likes people when she meets them unless you give her another reason, and if you make her dislike you well, prepare for hell. She's vicious when angry.

Bio:She left home at seventeen and went to unversity to be a writer, after getting her masters at nineteen she started studying to be a doctor. She just got accepted into the program on her 21st birthday . Shes a good actress and can cover up whatevers bothering her, shes always keeping her feelings locked down inside.

Appearence: short (5"2), long curly blond hair, deep emerald eyes, curvy, usually wears bright happy colors.

Posts : 11681
Join date : 2010-06-22
Age : 31
Location : Hell... there are so many screaming children here....

Character Sheet
Name: Zem Grayson
Race: Human Kinsmen
Level: 1

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[[ she whispered her last ]] Survival Horror [[ "save yourself" ]] PROFILES Empty Re: [[ she whispered her last ]] Survival Horror [[ "save yourself" ]] PROFILES

Post by quetzalcoatl Sat Sep 11, 2010 4:57 pm

(( Accepted! =D ))

Posts : 65
Join date : 2010-08-11
Age : 28

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[[ she whispered her last ]] Survival Horror [[ "save yourself" ]] PROFILES Empty Re: [[ she whispered her last ]] Survival Horror [[ "save yourself" ]] PROFILES

Post by bookcrazI Sat Sep 11, 2010 5:03 pm


Posts : 11681
Join date : 2010-06-22
Age : 31
Location : Hell... there are so many screaming children here....

Character Sheet
Name: Zem Grayson
Race: Human Kinsmen
Level: 1

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[[ she whispered her last ]] Survival Horror [[ "save yourself" ]] PROFILES Empty Re: [[ she whispered her last ]] Survival Horror [[ "save yourself" ]] PROFILES

Post by Cali Sat Sep 11, 2010 8:27 pm

[[ she whispered her last ]] Survival Horror [[ "save yourself" ]] PROFILES Doomed10

Name: Genevieve Di Corvi

Preferred name: Raven [Di Corvi in Italian means the Raven]

Age: 24

Personality: Genevieve, or Jenn, can be cold and hard but thats only if you agitate her. She can be a good fighter from her training and she can also be on your good side. But say the wrong thing to either her or someone she cares about she can make your life a living hell, or hey, she can be your living hell.

Bio: Genevieve came from Irish/Italian decent, her mother strict and loving, her father caring but with a temper when stressed. Her and her brother were close. She did kickboxing, also learning to become a police officer.

Appearance: See picture but for more information, 5'8 and about 125 lbs. She has a muscular build thats also feminine. She's a little voluptuous but not overly. She has lips that always seem to have a slight pout to them and always seem to be the color of strawberries. Genevieve also has a scar from a previous car accident when she was younger, starting from the top of her neck on the right side and going all the way across her chest to her left hip.

Last edited by KaitlinAnne~ on Sat Sep 11, 2010 8:33 pm; edited 1 time in total

Posts : 33385
Join date : 2010-05-30
Age : 27
Location : Los Angeles, CA

Character Sheet
Race: Witch
Level: 1

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[[ she whispered her last ]] Survival Horror [[ "save yourself" ]] PROFILES Empty Re: [[ she whispered her last ]] Survival Horror [[ "save yourself" ]] PROFILES

Post by quetzalcoatl Sat Sep 11, 2010 8:29 pm

(( The only issue I have with her is her name; it isn't Italian or Irish in the slightest. Change that and consider yourself accepted. ))

Posts : 65
Join date : 2010-08-11
Age : 28

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[[ she whispered her last ]] Survival Horror [[ "save yourself" ]] PROFILES Empty Re: [[ she whispered her last ]] Survival Horror [[ "save yourself" ]] PROFILES

Post by Cali Sat Sep 11, 2010 8:31 pm

((Hmm. Alrighty. :3))

Posts : 33385
Join date : 2010-05-30
Age : 27
Location : Los Angeles, CA

Character Sheet
Race: Witch
Level: 1

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[[ she whispered her last ]] Survival Horror [[ "save yourself" ]] PROFILES Empty Re: [[ she whispered her last ]] Survival Horror [[ "save yourself" ]] PROFILES

Post by quetzalcoatl Sat Sep 11, 2010 8:35 pm

(( Much better. Accepted. ))

Posts : 65
Join date : 2010-08-11
Age : 28

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[[ she whispered her last ]] Survival Horror [[ "save yourself" ]] PROFILES Empty Re: [[ she whispered her last ]] Survival Horror [[ "save yourself" ]] PROFILES

Post by Cali Sat Sep 11, 2010 8:35 pm

[Nice. Thanks.]

Posts : 33385
Join date : 2010-05-30
Age : 27
Location : Los Angeles, CA

Character Sheet
Race: Witch
Level: 1

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