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Desperation breeds Contempt Roleplay

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Desperation breeds Contempt Roleplay Empty Desperation breeds Contempt Roleplay

Post by UnbreakableShadow Wed May 30, 2012 11:29 pm

Story: Gaia, an Earth like planet, not much difference, except for the humanoid races that inhabit and live alongside the humans of the planet. The technology progresses just as quick, and with the same results, as Earth. Gaia is in a Colonization era, colonizing just as the British and other European countries are at this point. On Gaia, there are a multitude of mercenary groups, looking for jobs to be able to survive. A certain group, the Steel Dragon company, will cause many disasters, throwing off history. Here's their story.

Charrie sheet

Race: (Possible races: Human, Orcish, Elven, Drow, Dwarven, Gnomish, Giant)

Weapons: (Melee and Ranged, all types for colonization era)
Skills: (Extra skills like fire-making, cooking, survival, tracking, etc.)
Job: (Or Class; This is based on weaponry and skills)




Posts : 402
Join date : 2012-05-19
Age : 28
Location : The Afterlife

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Desperation breeds Contempt Roleplay Empty Re: Desperation breeds Contempt Roleplay

Post by UnbreakableShadow Wed May 30, 2012 11:44 pm

Name: Xaldin Shadowstalker
Race: Drow
Age: 21

Weapons: Two black short swords, black and silver-embroided flintlock pistol
Skills: Stealth, Tracking, Alchemy (used to make poisons)
Job: Assassin

Story: Xaldin was trained to be an assassin at birth; his lineage called for it. Raised in a small village called Blackwood in the southern swamp areas, he was taught by his father and mentor, Drad Shadowstalker. At the age of 17 he left his home in search of something to help him hone his skills. A year later, he joined the Steel Dragon company, where he now uses his skills as a full-fledged assassin.

Personality: Xaldin is a quiet, decisive being, prefers solitude but will be with others if the situation deems it proper.


Posts : 402
Join date : 2012-05-19
Age : 28
Location : The Afterlife

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Desperation breeds Contempt Roleplay Empty Re: Desperation breeds Contempt Roleplay

Post by Unabound Justice Wed May 30, 2012 11:52 pm

Name: Aleria Aridaughter
Race:Fire Elf

Weapons:Long sword
Skills: Conjuring (Small beasts like wolves) fire making
Job: Knight

Story: Grew up on a poor farm with two brothers and her mother. Went to see tournaments every week and aspired to be one for herself. When she was 13 brother of her brothers were taken and it has been her goal since to reach knighthood and find them.

Personality:Cocky, bossy, a fiery personality and a sharp wit and even sharper tongue. Will die or kill for anyone she loves. Brash and headstrong, she loves to argue and question authority.

Unabound Justice
Unabound Justice

Posts : 35896
Join date : 2010-09-21
Age : 28
Location : Same place as akways, broken once again.

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Desperation breeds Contempt Roleplay Empty Re: Desperation breeds Contempt Roleplay

Post by UnbreakableShadow Thu May 31, 2012 12:36 am

((one more character for me to make.

Name: Alex Solrey
Race: Human (?)
Age: ??

Weapons: Greatsword
Skills: Fire magic, white magic, survival
Job: Templar

Story: Alex was the son of a leading politician, but was removed from the family for participating in a tournament and almost killing 300 civilians. Alex then traveled the world in search for a greater purpose. His search ended up in a church, where the Templar in that church blessed him with his innate powers. Alex now fights for the greater good, as well as the money he can earn my assisting the public.

Personality: Fiery temper, Alex has a mouth on him. He acts without thinking which ends up getting him in loads of trouble


Posts : 402
Join date : 2012-05-19
Age : 28
Location : The Afterlife

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Desperation breeds Contempt Roleplay Empty Re: Desperation breeds Contempt Roleplay

Post by Unabound Justice Thu May 31, 2012 2:36 pm

I'm assuming we're waiting for more people.
Unabound Justice
Unabound Justice

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Join date : 2010-09-21
Age : 28
Location : Same place as akways, broken once again.

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Desperation breeds Contempt Roleplay Empty Re: Desperation breeds Contempt Roleplay

Post by UnbreakableShadow Thu May 31, 2012 3:09 pm

You assume correctly.

Posts : 402
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Age : 28
Location : The Afterlife

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Desperation breeds Contempt Roleplay Empty Re: Desperation breeds Contempt Roleplay

Post by Unabound Justice Thu May 31, 2012 3:31 pm

I just read your signature and it's trippy. It's like the opposite point of view of one of the poems I wrote 0.0
Unabound Justice
Unabound Justice

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Join date : 2010-09-21
Age : 28
Location : Same place as akways, broken once again.

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Desperation breeds Contempt Roleplay Empty Re: Desperation breeds Contempt Roleplay

Post by UnbreakableShadow Thu May 31, 2012 5:13 pm

Mind making another character?

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Age : 28
Location : The Afterlife

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Desperation breeds Contempt Roleplay Empty Re: Desperation breeds Contempt Roleplay

Post by Unabound Justice Thu May 31, 2012 5:26 pm

I'd already planned to.
Unabound Justice
Unabound Justice

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Join date : 2010-09-21
Age : 28
Location : Same place as akways, broken once again.

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Desperation breeds Contempt Roleplay Empty Re: Desperation breeds Contempt Roleplay

Post by Unabound Justice Thu May 31, 2012 5:33 pm

Name:Saiga Strowl

Weapons: Her magicks
Skills: Mainly water skills. Can cook. Loves to clean
Job: Mercinary

Has made her way in life using her magicks. She's a seductress and has charmed many to their death in her bed.

Personality:Mature. Doesn't really care for much. Generally lives for herself.

Unabound Justice
Unabound Justice

Posts : 35896
Join date : 2010-09-21
Age : 28
Location : Same place as akways, broken once again.

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Desperation breeds Contempt Roleplay Empty Re: Desperation breeds Contempt Roleplay

Post by UnbreakableShadow Sat Jun 02, 2012 12:39 pm

Screw waiting lets just go?

Posts : 402
Join date : 2012-05-19
Age : 28
Location : The Afterlife

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Desperation breeds Contempt Roleplay Empty Re: Desperation breeds Contempt Roleplay

Post by Unabound Justice Sat Jun 02, 2012 2:36 pm

(Sure! But i won't be on much. I just moved and I don't think we have wi-fi yet and I don't know when it will be up. Also, I'm starting a weight lifting Regime to work on my archery. I want to be able to pull my bow at the heaviest setting by October.)
Unabound Justice
Unabound Justice

Posts : 35896
Join date : 2010-09-21
Age : 28
Location : Same place as akways, broken once again.

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