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House of Oblivion

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House of Oblivion Empty House of Oblivion

Post by KenzieJo Fri Jul 23, 2010 1:57 am

Im back, (for anyone who noticed my long absence.) and decided to start a new cc, because all seem to be pretty old. sooo I didnt know where to put it so it goes here. Enjoy.

You wake in a sterile white house, alert but confused how you got there. Your not hurt, but something is wrong, maybe your once silky long black hair is now red and feathery, or you’ve grown a few inches in what seemed like over night. These small and harmless changes worry you, you can’t remember much, nothing leading up to your residence in the house, and you look for anything for explanation.
What you find is a small white slip of paper, printed on it cold formal words to a name not your own.

Dear -----
Welcome to the House of Oblivion. You have been chosen for the Leto Project. This may mean nothing to you now, but you will come to learn of what a great importance you are to the world. You are part of a select group of people known as Novita’s, you all have been given powers beyonds many peoples dreams , use them well. We have also connected you to a weapon to protect you, one that you can summon at will. This will not be easy, you have already made enemies, but you have friends in this household. Stay safe until further instructions, more details about your abilities are connected to this note.

You have been given a second chance, use it well.

This is how your stay at the House Of Oblivion begins.

(this starts in your rooms after reading the note.)


Name on note(Code name):
Looks before:
Changes to looks after:

Name: Jackson Spade
Name on note(Code name): Joker
Age: 19
Looks before: curly medium brown hair and light honey eyes too big smile. thin and about 5’11’
changes to looks after: same honey eyes, almost black straight long hair in a ponytail. same smile. Skinnier that before and 6’3’”
Abilities: illusionist
Weapon: A deck of card knives
Personality: Loves a good joke, and a real charmer. Very friendly. Loves talking and being around people. With a few words he can get out of almost any situation, but often takes his jokes too far. Pretty ambiguous when it comes to dating.
Past: A scam artist in Vegas, after his parents died he dropped out of college and began making a living swindling money from people. Before becoming a Novita he had gotten on the bad side of the local mafia after scamming the boss out of a few thousand bucks.
Uniform: Black slim fit slacks or jeans. a button up red shirt and black on black checkered vest. Carries a silver pocket watch.


Posts : 2590
Join date : 2010-06-24

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House of Oblivion Empty Re: House of Oblivion

Post by KenzieJo Fri Jul 23, 2010 2:15 am

I see you people seeing this thread. O.o but Im too tired to care.

Posts : 2590
Join date : 2010-06-24

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House of Oblivion Empty Re: House of Oblivion

Post by BariJoy Fri Jul 23, 2010 9:34 am

Name: Allison Pryde
Name on note(Code name): Lemur
Age: 19
Looks before: Long, light brown hair; Medium blue eyes; Lean; About 5'8"
Changes to looks after: Black pixie cut; Ice blue eyes; More "elfin" looking
Abilities: Agility
Weapon: ... Bullwhip?... (She can be like Catwoman! Very Happy... maybe...)
Personality: Sweet and kind, for the most part. At times, like when she's angry, she is very cold and matter-of-factual.
Past: She was a professional gymnast who made a hobby out of martial arts. Her parents, important businesss people, were always very distant and hardly had anytime for her. That's where the coldness in her personality springs from. Before becoming a Novita, she landed horribly wrong on a difficult move and badly broke her leg. She was told she would never be able to do gymnastics again.
Uniform: Dark gray jeans; Black tanktop; Gray Converse shoes

Last edited by BariJoy on Fri Jul 23, 2010 4:34 pm; edited 2 times in total

Posts : 3774
Join date : 2010-06-09
Location : Right here, of course

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House of Oblivion Empty Re: House of Oblivion

Post by KenzieJo Fri Jul 23, 2010 2:55 pm

maybe we should wait for one or two more people.

Posts : 2590
Join date : 2010-06-24

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House of Oblivion Empty Re: House of Oblivion

Post by BariJoy Fri Jul 23, 2010 3:16 pm

*shrugs* Okey-dokes Smile

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Location : Right here, of course

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House of Oblivion Empty Re: House of Oblivion

Post by BariJoy Fri Jul 23, 2010 3:29 pm

If I happen to be on when that one or two more people join, can I start?

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House of Oblivion Empty Re: House of Oblivion

Post by KenzieJo Fri Jul 23, 2010 3:40 pm

yes, you can. Im horrible at starting, so thats good!

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Join date : 2010-06-24

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House of Oblivion Empty Re: House of Oblivion

Post by KenzieJo Fri Jul 23, 2010 3:43 pm

if you want we can start now, and it would most likely pick up

Posts : 2590
Join date : 2010-06-24

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House of Oblivion Empty Re: House of Oblivion

Post by BariJoy Fri Jul 23, 2010 3:51 pm

(Okay. Smile)
Allison wrenched her eyes open, she had a splitting headache. She found herself in a white room, almost like a hospital or a lab. There was a note next to her. She read it and thought, Who the heck is Lemur? She looked around and saw another person.

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House of Oblivion Empty Re: House of Oblivion

Post by KenzieJo Fri Jul 23, 2010 3:59 pm

it can be first person if you wish, whatevers easier, I just wrote it that way cause it was fun. haha

Jack stretches, not wanting to start the day. He rolls over to the other side of his bed, only to discover this bed is small. He topples to the floor. "What the hell." He murmers opening his eyes to a white room. Finding the note his eyebrows knit in confusion. "Is this a joke?"

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Join date : 2010-06-24

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House of Oblivion Empty Re: House of Oblivion

Post by BariJoy Fri Jul 23, 2010 4:15 pm

(I actually prefer third person Smile)
Allison reached up to to run a hand through her hair, only to find most of it was gone. Someone had chopped her hair short. She looked at the other person again, maybe he knew what was going on. Or not, seeing as he had just fallen off his bed.

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Location : Right here, of course

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House of Oblivion Empty Re: House of Oblivion

Post by KenzieJo Fri Jul 23, 2010 4:20 pm

alrightly, sounds good.

Jack looks around the rooms, spotting a girl. "Who are you?" He gets up quickly stumbling a little. 'did I get taller?' he thinks, feeling out of place in his own body. Staring at the note again he frowns. "Novitas?" he couldn't wrap his tired mind around the note.

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Join date : 2010-06-24

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House of Oblivion Empty Re: House of Oblivion

Post by BariJoy Fri Jul 23, 2010 4:24 pm

"I'm Allison," she introduced herself. She noticed the note is his hand, it seemed similar to the note addressed to "Lemur". "Who are you and do you know what the heck these notes mean? I mean, Leto Project? Novitas?"

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House of Oblivion Empty Re: House of Oblivion

Post by KenzieJo Fri Jul 23, 2010 4:29 pm

"Jack. And I can't say I do. But this definitely isn't my Vegas apartment." He doubted this was Vegas at all. "Its sounds like were some experiment." he grimaces, his mind finally coming to reality.

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House of Oblivion Empty Re: House of Oblivion

Post by BariJoy Fri Jul 23, 2010 4:40 pm

Allison arched an eyebrow. "Experiments? That makes it sound like we're in some kind of sci fi novel." But, truthfully, she thought Jack was right.

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House of Oblivion Empty Re: House of Oblivion

Post by KenzieJo Fri Jul 23, 2010 4:45 pm

Jack sighs, "I know, but come on. The Leto project? powers beyond your wildest dreams. weapons. What else could it be?"

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House of Oblivion Empty Re: House of Oblivion

Post by BariJoy Fri Jul 23, 2010 4:54 pm

"You're probably right," Allison relented, "But couldn't they give us more of an explanation than just a typed note?"

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House of Oblivion Empty Re: House of Oblivion

Post by BariJoy Fri Jul 23, 2010 5:13 pm

(Bump Smile)

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House of Oblivion Empty Re: House of Oblivion

Post by KenzieJo Fri Jul 23, 2010 5:14 pm

He frowns. "You'd think so. Maybe its a test." He looks at the note again, "so whats your ability?" though what he's interested in is the weapons.

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House of Oblivion Empty Re: House of Oblivion

Post by BariJoy Fri Jul 23, 2010 5:18 pm

"Uh..." Allison read down the note, "Agility. Don't really know what that means." She paused, "What's yours?"

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House of Oblivion Empty Re: House of Oblivion

Post by KenzieJo Fri Jul 23, 2010 5:23 pm

"Illusionist. It sounds cool at least." he looks at the note. "It doesn't say anything about what the weapons are though. Its weird.Though its says we can summon them. lets try that." He puts down the note and cracks his knuckles, wondering how to summon a weapon.

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House of Oblivion Empty Re: House of Oblivion

Post by BariJoy Fri Jul 23, 2010 5:28 pm

"Well," Allison thought, "It says summon at will... Maybe we just have to will them to be here? But, then again, we don't know what they are..." She decided to let Jack try first.

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House of Oblivion Empty Re: House of Oblivion

Post by KenzieJo Fri Jul 23, 2010 5:34 pm

Jack nods, and breathes in deeply. Turning away from Allison he puts his hands in front of him. Closing his eyes he think of the weapon in his hands, willing it to be there. He feels a weight appear in his right hand, opening his hands he sees a deck of cards. "What?" Feeling gypped he frowns. "How are cards a weapon?"

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House of Oblivion Empty Re: House of Oblivion

Post by BariJoy Fri Jul 23, 2010 5:38 pm

"Maybe they're like ninja stars or something," Allison smiled. She looked over. It appeared to be just a regular deck of playing cards.

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House of Oblivion Empty Re: House of Oblivion

Post by Cali Fri Jul 23, 2010 5:44 pm

Name: Alice Cross
Name on note(Code name): Redfield
Age: 18
Looks before: Brown hair, brown eyes, tan skin. 135 lbs, 5'7
Changes to looks after: Golden Brown hair in feathery wisps and straight, going down her back until it reaches her hips, eyes the color of burning emeralds (soo reeaaaallly bright bright green) and fair skin. She is now 120 lbs and 5'8.
Abilities: Shadow Merging
Weapon: A tactical knife from her past engraved with the words, Follow your heart and stand up for what is right, even if no one else will.
Personality: Kind and Caring at heart she always puts her friends first before worrying about her self. She has a hard time trusting others due to the fact she has been lied to numerous times.
Past: As the former leader of the gang, the Sinners, she had always been dangerous. Ever since a bullet to her arm, her hip, and her back, she had been in a coma for 3 years. That was 5 years ago. Before becoming a Novita, she was a small town bartender in Bon Tomp, Lousiana even though she was born and raised in Massachusetts. She also was the singer there. Ever since she was shot and put into a coma, her talent for singing had suddenly and mysteriously disappeared.
Uniform: Black cropped bomber jacket that reveals her forearms and her stomach, black leather skinny pants that rest at her hips and knee high black boots that have 3 inch heels.[i]

Posts : 33385
Join date : 2010-05-30
Age : 27
Location : Los Angeles, CA

Character Sheet
Race: Witch
Level: 1

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